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6 Tiny Email Marketing Tweaks For Big Results
Are you tired of the spray-and-pray approach to email marketing? In this episode, we’re peeling back the curtain on the magic of email campaigns, revealing tips and tricks that will leave your subscribers hungry for more.
Discover the power of segmentation and learn how to tailor your content to specific audiences, skyrocketing your engagement rates to new heights. Tune in now!
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Website: https://jenniewright.com
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YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjGQCVDgaOGsxrqq-w0Osmw
Want to grow your email list or launch your next product to a ready list of leads? Let’s talk
Here’s a sneak peek of what we’ll cover:
- Overlooked Opportunities in Affiliate Marketing: Discover how a simple oversight in affiliate marketing can lead to missed opportunities. I share a real-life example where a client failed to integrate affiliates into their email campaigns, resulting in a disconnect between promotion and engagement.
- Importance of Segmentation: I emphasize the critical role of segmentation in delivering tailored content to your audience. Learn how to avoid overwhelming subscribers with irrelevant information and harness the power of niche-adjacent content to drive engagement.
- Effective Personalization Techniques: Go beyond basic personalization tactics and learn how to leverage personalization tokens to create more meaningful interactions with your subscribers. I’ll show you how to reference customers’ previous interactions to enhance engagement.
- Reengagement Surveys and Self-Selection: Unlock the potential of reengagement surveys to gather direct feedback from your audience and tailor your content accordingly. Discover the power of self-selection in refining your email marketing strategies and maximizing subscriber engagement.
- Cultivating Two-Way Conversations: Explore strategies for fostering meaningful interactions with your audience and creating an open dialogue within your email communications. I’ll share actionable advice on how to nurture engagement and encourage feedback.
- Elevating Email Marketing Beyond Subject Lines: While subject lines are crucial, there’s more to optimizing your email campaigns than meets the eye. Learn how to leverage tailored content, segmentation, and self-selection to maintain subscriber engagement and reduce attrition rates.
Jennie Wright
Lead generation and online summit queen, the host of the Aquire podcast
Jennie Wright [00:00:02]:
Hello. Welcome to the Acquire Podcast. I’m Jennie Wright. I’m your host. I’m a list build and lead generation expert and also a fractional CMO. I love digital marketing, online marketing, whatever you wanna call it. And I really want to kinda like get you as jazzed about it as I am, which seems a bit odd, but I’ve been doing this for over a decade, 12 years, actually. And one thing that I never get tired about looking at or looking into or talking about is email marketing.
Jennie Wright [00:00:34]:
So I’m gonna pull back a little bit of the curtain today and get into some marketing tidbits that are gonna get your emails opened more often, clicked through more often, and you’d be surprised to find out how many people actually don’t sit and optimize this. I recently just found, one of my one of my new clients that I just onboarded recently, I just noticed that they have this really cool affiliate marketing campaign. They get people to join their affiliates for their business, but there is no connection between their affiliate marketing and their email marketing provider. Meaning, somebody signs up to be an affiliate of The of her courses, and they get their affiliate link sent to them, which is easy peasy. You that software does it. But they’re not moving the person over into their email marketing and then sending them a follow-up campaign that would show them exactly how to be a really great affiliate for her courses and a walk through, and follow-up emails. And did you get this? And did you join this, you know, the Facebook group just for the affiliates? What a missed opportunity that is. So I put up a poll in LinkedIn, and the poll basically had 3 questions.
Jennie Wright [00:01:47]:
Question number 1 was basically well, actually, just had 1 question with 3 possible answers, and it was what is the biggest hurdle you’re facing in elevating your email marketing game? So answer number 1 was creating lead magnets. Weirdly, the answer was 0. And then number 2 was adding personalization, and that got above 50%, and then keeping your audience engaged, that also got 50%. I I should have added in a 4th option, which is automations, and kinda just mentioned that just now with this whole, mention about, you know, not having your affiliates into your email marketing program, which is a huge miss in my book and something this person should have done. And this client is now correcting The. It was just an Wright, just kinda got missed in The, in the, you know, and when they were building their course out and, you know, being in ThriveCart, ThriveCart sends the email saying, hey, you’re now like, you know, an affiliate. They just didn’t have it connected to the email marketing provider. That’s being fixed.
Jennie Wright [00:02:49]:
But one of the things that I am super good at, and either you love it or you hate it, is I find these little things that just if you fix them, it it elevates your email marketing game. It changes the direction of how things go. It adds a couple more percentage points in your open rates, your click through rates, and things like that. And it’s just from practice and experience of seeing 100 and 100 and 100 of email lists through my clients of what they could be doing. They could be doing better. You know, they’re doing really, really well. I mean, I have clients that do email marketing amazingly, and I’m I’m just love The, but I have this knack for finding these little things. And so I’m gonna pass that knowledge on to you.
Jennie Wright [00:03:34]:
And so the first thing that I wanna talk about, because that that survey kinda was really interesting to me, is I really want to make sure that you’re creating segmentation. Imagine you’re at a conference. You’ve, you know, you’ve signed up to go to a 3 day conference and it’s all about busy moms learning how to juggle a full time job, a side gig, and being a mom. And somebody comes up to you at that event and starts pitching you on something completely different. Has nothing to do with you trying to, you know, juggle being a full time mom, having a full time job, which is a whole other thing, and also trying to do your side gig of growing your business. That that would make me incense. Like, The would be like, dude, I am not here for that. I’m here to learn how to juggle this thing in my life, which is already a 1000000 times more difficult than it needs to be.
Jennie Wright [00:04:29]:
Thanks to several things, including things like patriarchy, but we won’t go there. And I’m here to learn that, not to learn the thing that you are now pitching me on, whatever that is. And I couldn’t think of a really great example as to like what that would be, but it would probably be like somebody telling you that they can, you know, fix your eyesight through some non medical procedure, which actually has somebody has pitched me The. Or you know coming into your coming up to you and telling you that they can help you lose The, you know, lose some weight, which has happened to me before. I’ve had people come up to me and actually pat my belly. Things that people do that are just completely weird and people should not do. This is what happens if you don’t segment your list. So if you segment your list and you have people coming in who are going to a lead magnet and that lead magnet is specifically for one thing, they should only receive information on that one thing.
Jennie Wright [00:05:22]:
You should not then send them emails or information on things that are not pertinent to whatever that lead magnet was unless it’s completely niche adjacent. So if somebody signs up for a lead magnet specifically on email marketing, it’s most likely that they probably need other help in marketing as well. But I would also ask the question like, hey, I, you know, you signed up to learn more about email marketing. Would you also be interested in finding, like, in in hearing more about, segmentation and automation? And would you be interested in finding about how to build a profitable course? Or selling your products, instead of The to 1, one to many examples. Right? So those people will probably be niche adjacent, but they’re not gonna be like, hey, you signed up for the lead magnet for email marketing. Let me tell you about my, you know, my crayon melting art business. Those two things are completely separate. Nobody is gonna like that.
Jennie Wright [00:06:20]:
You’re gonna get unsubscribes. Now I’m using really wildly crazy examples to kinda make a point. And so I really want you to look at the segmentation in your email marketing really, really well and make valuable decisions on whether somebody who wants to know about one thing should receive the information about the The. Because that’s that feels like common sense. Some people kinda miss it, and that’s okay. I’m not judging. It’s common sense to me because I’ve been doing this for so long. But, you know, I’m I’m learning something every day too.
Jennie Wright [00:06:52]:
So take a look at how you’re segmenting your list. And if you’re not even segmenting your list at all, it’s okay. Today’s a really great, you know, great way to start and start segmenting it out and creating some really good automations that go with it. The next thing that I kinda wanna get into is personalization. So most people think, oh, yeah. Personalization. I put, like, hey, name at the top of the email. If you’re selling a program, product, or service, and that person that person who you are contacting has purchased said program, product, or service, did you know that you can also mention that in an email? Like, hey, Tam.
Jennie Wright [00:07:28]:
It was so amazing that you purchased my Summit’s Made Simple course, you know, insert course name. Right? Because that’s personalization. That’s a personalization token. And then reference other things. Right? So when somebody purchases, we have the the ability in our email marketing, and especially, you know, if they’re purchasing something through Thrivecart and then you’re importing them over into ActiveCampaign, you can create this personalization where you can then, know what products they’ve purchased or what pages they’ve landed on if you’re doing it with your website and you have, like, Monster Insights or Google Analytics. And so you can then reference those things in your email. Right? Like, I saw that you and and, I mean, you get this all the time. It happens to you constantly Wiehler you know it or not.
Jennie Wright [00:08:13]:
It’s those emails of, I saw that you put I mean, Amazon does this to me all the time. I saw that you put such and such in your cart, you know, reminder that you didn’t buy it, or The is a good one. We saw that last month you bought an x y z book because I buy books a lot. We found another one by, you know, author such and such that we think you’d like. That is awesome. That will make me buy. I have an addiction to books. So, Amazon knows this and is very smart at saying, you bought The.
Jennie Wright [00:08:41]:
You may be interested in this. And you can do the same thing with your email marketing. You can say, you bought this. You might be interested in this. Wright saw that you grabbed this download, you might be interested in this video series or this training or I have a master class coming up. But the personalization tokens are really good beyond that first name because it shows that you’ve taken the time to actually get deeper into that segmentation, into knowing who they are and what they’ve purchased and so on. And that person feels like it’s less generic. It’s more tailored.
Jennie Wright [00:09:15]:
We all love that tailored sort of approach. I love that approach. Lululemon sends tailored emails. They know my shopping history, and they definitely tailor the emails to go with it. And, also, it makes me buy stuff because I usually buy gifts through Lululemon. I will buy really cool, you know, stuff for my partner. I rarely buy something for myself, but they know that. And so they’re suggesting, you know, hey.
Jennie Wright [00:09:41]:
Grab this new cool thing for your partner. So look at The, especially. I think it’s really, really important. Take a look also at things like reengagement surveys. This is huge in email marketing, and nobody does it consistently or at a level that I think would garner the kind of results that you would want. So reengagement is sending out a quick survey, tapping your audience directly and asking them what they care about. You know, hey. I’ve been getting in touch with you about a, b, c, and x, y, z.
Jennie Wright [00:10:10]:
This may not be something that you want, but let let me know what it is that you want. Option a, b, and c. Go ahead and click. And that’s this is part of that self selection that I talk about a lot. Re engagement through surveys is self selection on steroids, in my opinion. And you can get a lot of information about your base and a lot of information about your email marketing, and then make decisions based on that. You can see the loopholes and the opportunities and where they’re falling out of your email ecosystem, And then you can shore up those holes so that they stay in your email ecosystem, which because, you know, the longer they’re in there, the more likely they are to interact with your content and buy from you. So it’s really a such a good technique to implement, and you can implement these surveys at different points along the customer journey to make it interesting and valid and provide value.
Jennie Wright [00:11:00]:
Also, take a look at creating actionable advice. I mean, email should be a two way conversation, not just us talking to our potential leads without, creating a space for them to respond and also implement what we’re talking about. So creating actionable advice and two way conversation is important. So telling them about the different things they can do with the advice that you’re telling them so normally in a week on a weekly basis I’ll send an email I send a newsletter and my newsletter talks about the podcast which is cool, and other things that I need to talk about. But I’ll do the podcast, and then I’ll give, like, 3 or 4 actionable steps. So even if they don’t listen to the podcast, they’re getting something actionable, like, hey. Podcast is about a b c x y z. Here’s 4 things that you can implement that would help you to achieve your goal.
Jennie Wright [00:11:49]:
And it’s actionable things, things they can do right away to implement even if they didn’t listen to the podcast. Although, do I hope they will? Yes. But it doesn’t always work that way, and that’s cool too. And it might actually be the thing, like, this you know, my actionable step is often the thing that pulls people over to the Podcast. So why not do it? Right? It’s it’s really easy to do these kinds of things. And so I really suggest that you take a look at, like, a variety of different ways to improve your email marketing. This goes beyond subject lines. I don’t need to harp on on The subject lines with you.
Jennie Wright [00:12:21]:
You hear it enough already. You don’t need to hear about adding a preview line. If your email marketing provides a preview line, use it. I don’t wanna play around with those because those are Wright little things. The interesting things within either the body copy or the changes in terms of segmentation or in the self selection or even before that and making sure that the segmentation to receive the right content, I think is more important, and it has more profound effects. I mean, this can be the difference where somebody either stays in your email marketing ecosystem, doesn’t open your emails at all because they’re not interesting to them or don’t feel aligned, or unsubscribes. So if you can prevent that even a little bit, if you can keep more people on your list for a longer period of time, increase that engagement, show them that you care, show them that you’re providing content that feels relevant and understanding to The, you’re gonna have a better result in the long run. So this is the kind of stuff that I get into on a daily basis with my clients.
Jennie Wright [00:13:20]:
This is stuff I love to talk about, obviously. And I highly recommend that you take a look at these little things that can make a massive difference. So if you found this helpful, I am so glad. And I would recommend and suggest that you go ahead and subscribe to the podcast. Let me know what you think. Leave me a review. And also tell me what you wanna hear about. Lots of ways to get in touch with me.
Jennie Wright [00:13:41]:
All of those are in the show notes or you can find me mostly on Instagram or LinkedIn. And as always, this podcast is brought to you by The Audphonic Podcast Network. I’m so glad that you’re here. Thank you so much for listening, and we’ll talk to you all soon. Take care.