EP 47: The Highs and Lows of Hosting a Successful Marketing Bundle
August 6, 2024
EP 49: Why You Shouldn’t Wait to Kickstart Your Fall List Build
August 20, 2024Episode 48
Elevating Your Authority: Melanie Benson's Secrets to Million Dollar Visibility

What does it really take to achieve a MILLION dollar visibility in today’s crowded market?
In this episode, we’re diving into the essential elements of visibility, personal branding, and amplifying your authority. Melanie Benson joins me to share her journey into weaving human design into her work, while I explore how the entrepreneurial toolkit has evolved over time. Together, we unpack the concept of $1,000,000 visibility, discussing why personalized messaging, strategic pricing, and tailored visibility efforts are critical in today’s crowded market.
Resource Links
Connect with Melanie:
Connect with Melanie:
Follow Melanie on Facebook: Facebook.com/CoachMelanieBenson
Follow Melanie on Instagram: Instagram.com/CoachMelanieBenson
Connect with Melanie on LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/success/
Connect with Jennie:
Website: https://jenniewright.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennielwright/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenniewrightjlw/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjGQCVDgaOGsxrqq-w0Osmw
Want to grow your email list or launch your next product to a ready list of leads? Let’s talk
On This Week’s Episode:
- Melanie Benson’s journey into integrating human design into her work after a friend’s insightful observation about her burnout patterns, revealing how this approach helps clients overcome money blocks and visibility challenges.
- The evolution of the entrepreneurial toolbox, where Jennie shares the importance of continually refining skills and adapting strategies to stay ahead in a competitive marketplace.
- How to embrace your personal power and boost your visibility, with advice on building confidence in your message and shining brightly to attract your ideal clients.
- Melanie’s $1,000,000 visibility framework, offering listeners a free resource to help them enhance their visibility strategies and build lasting authority in their niche.
- The power of brand authority and visibility, with a focus on podcasting and other platforms, highlighting the impact of consistent and strategic visibility efforts.
- The importance of personal branding, connected to core values like connection, fun, and abundance, and how these elements can influence and shape your brand’s impact.
- Melanie’s role as an authority amplifier, helping experts move from being invisible to showcasing their expertise through strategic shifts in messaging and visibility.
- Why niching down and owning your specific area of expertise is essential before expanding into broader markets, ensuring your brand message is clear and compelling.
- The importance of strategic pricing to reflect your authority and the need for a visibility strategy that sets you apart from the competition.
- Leveraging guest appearances on podcasts and other platforms to boost your visibility, with tips on borrowing influence and credibility to grow your audience and impact.

Jennie Wright
Lead generation and online summit queen, the host of the Aquire podcast
Jennie Wright [00:00:02]:
Hey The, and welcome back to another episode of The Acquire podcast. I’m your host, Jenny Wright. I’m a list build and lead generation expert and sometimes fractional CMO. And I’m really excited because today we have an incredibly inspiring guest who’s been a game changer for many expertpreneurs out there. And I’m really excited because we have Melanie Benson joining us. So she is the authority amplifier and possibility igniter, and she’s been helping entrepreneurs achieve $1,000,000 visibility and reaching those 5, 6 figure revenue months since 2000. So for a good chunk of time, a lot longer than I’ve been doing this. Melanie is the host of her own highly rated podcast, Amplify Your Success.
Jennie Wright [00:00:42]:
She’s also the author of must read books like Rewired for Wealth and, Entrepreneur dotcom’s Startup Guide to Starting an Information Marketing Business. Melanie is here to share some pretty powerful stuff. We’re gonna get into some strategies and some insights, and she’s here to help elevate your business to the next level, just like me. So, Melanie, thanks so much for being here.
Melanie Benson [00:01:02]:
Thank you for hosting, and I can’t wait to dig into this fabulous conversation with you.
Jennie Wright [00:01:09]:
Yeah. And and if you I mean, you said you listened to a couple episodes before you popped on. You know, I like to get a little bit deep. And, I mean, there’s a lot of we can go into so many things. Like, I I wanna dive into the history of why you’ve been doing this since 2000. But there’s a couple things I wanna talk about first. And one of them is you you’re known as this, like, authority amplifier, which I love that. Can you kind of explain what authority amplification means, why it’s crucial, and how it’s especially crucial post pandemic?
Melanie Benson [00:01:39]:
Well, I stumbled into the I I’ve had several titles over the 24 years in business, and this one kind of stuck because I discovered that many people who coach, who have an expertise that they sell, they do some kind of a service, for clients. They were recognizing they were a best kept secret. They noticed that their best clients were choosing the flashier, big name competitors over themselves. And when they would hire me because they were ready to shed that best kept secret invisibility cloak. Right? It’s like nobody wants to be invisible. Well, some people do actually wanna be invisible, but, that’s another subject. There are a couple key pieces that we’re missing. And one of them in particular was the audience, the community, the potential clients weren’t recognizing why they should choose that individual over that big name expert.
Melanie Benson [00:02:38]:
Even if that person had more experience, better track record, was more authentic, had better run programs, if the community at large didn’t recognize their authority, they were invisible to them. They weren’t necessarily a contender. Mhmm. And what I started to do is teaching people tiny shifts they could make in their message, in their visibility strategy, and even in how they were designing their offers so that their their recognizable expertise could showcase brighter and more significantly, and they became the logical choice rather than a, oh, that’s nice, but this person over here is flashier. And you don’t actually have to be flashy. You don’t have to have massive marketing budgets, as you know. Yeah. But you do need to be recognized for how you solve a problem for someone.
Melanie Benson [00:03:30]:
So that’s that’s really how I ended up as this authority amplifier. And when I looked back on my trajectory, what did I do for myself as well as clients that I’d worked with over the 24 years that got the best results? That was the key piece. Tiny optimal shifts in their positioning, their messaging, and their offers that gave big leaps in results.
Jennie Wright [00:03:55]:
I’m totally fluxomed with the fact that that is a perfect answer. I love that on several levels. And also because a lot of people do sort of stay in the wings. If you started off like me as a virtual assistant, or an OBM or something like that, you’re used to kind of being in the background. You’re used to being the person behind the scenes and getting out in front can be really scary. And I’ve always, and I’m I might be a little bit more direct than you. I’m not sure. But I’ve kind of had like the get your big girl panties on, you know, stop I think I used this word before we even hit record stop faffing about and just get the thing done.
Jennie Wright [00:04:32]:
Because I actually believe really strongly that being seen and being in your own authority or being, you know, being out there and and everything has nothing to do with you and has everything to do with what people need, like The need your gift. And if you’re going to hide and not sort of put yourself out there in the right way, not have your message in the right way, not being able to share that in the right way, then you’re kind of robbing people of that really great gift that you have. So I frame it, I kind of frame it from the like, let’s stop the let’s stop The stuff and keep going, but that’s that’s sort of how I look at it. I think it’s kind of fun. I’d love to ask you about the process of building authority. Can you kind of walk us through a step by step process for building authority in this really crowded marketplace? Kinda like what are the foundational elements that every entrepreneur should kinda focus on to start The amplification? You said it was small tweaks. So what’s the first kind of steps that people should look at?
Melanie Benson [00:05:27]:
I think the first one is often overlooked because it’s scary for people to claim The, and that is, what are you an expert in? Mhmm. What do you do in a way that you do it for the person that you do it for that’s unique? Sometimes that’s about leaning into some specificity. Like, you can’t be everything to everybody. Entrepreneurs are not your market. All None on the whole. Stay at home moms are not your market. Yeah. All marketers are not your market.
Melanie Benson [00:05:58]:
Right? Like, whatever you’ve been saying up to now. And, you know, I’ll I’ll be the first to admit, Jennie. And if you’re listening in and you’re thinking, oh my gosh. I need to pick a lane and stick to it? Like, really, Melanie? Is that what you’re telling me? Let me just say this. There are different types of, energies, if you will. There’s different ways that people best connect with their audience. I use human design as one of the tools in helping people design their brand presence. And, you know what? The way I do it isn’t necessarily the way you have to do it, but when I was year 1a half in my business, I remember struggling so much to get clients.
Melanie Benson [00:06:40]:
And this really amazing wise coach, who’d been doing it for 10 years at that point, you know, think of, the wise man that’s sitting on the top of the hill. Right? And he’s The coach to all coaches. He sits me down, and he says, Melanie, you’ve gotta pick a a sub like, you gotta get specific. You gotta know people have to know why you. Mhmm. And it was so terrifying to think, but I don’t have Jennie clients now. How would I why am I eliminating all the potential avenues? And yet, as I specialized and I honed in a little more and a little more and a little more, not only did I have more clients, but clients were willing to invest more to work with me. So I think the first step is you’ve got to be willing to hone in your message, hone in your focus, hone in who who you work with and what you do in a way that if somebody’s Jennie across what you do in your messaging, they instantly go, oh, that is what I wanted for me.
Melanie Benson [00:07:40]:
Mhmm. And you have to be willing to put that specificity in your messaging. So the second piece of optimizing, if you will, your authority positioning is your messaging. Yeah. You’re and you know The. You do marketing in your sleep. Right? Yeah. And we know that message matters, but for so many people who may be listening in today or sometimes it’s the cobbler’s shoe.
Melanie Benson [00:08:03]:
Right? It’s like, I’m good at this for everybody else, but, man, I’m having a hard time seeing the forest through the trees for my own message, which definitely is to me. I always do better when someone else can reflect back to me the message that I’m stepping into. But you have to have a message that conveys this magnetic quality. Like, they need to feel this irresistible pull with the message they read. They need to hear themselves in whatever message you’re putting out. And if they’re not hearing it or it’s not compelling and intriguing in a way, it’s like, what is that? That sounds so interesting. Right? Then your message isn’t doing its job. It’s not doing the heavy lifting for you, and your authority positioning is waning.
Melanie Benson [00:08:45]:
The third thing that I do with people is we look at things like your offer or your client journey. Like, how is your offerings shouting from the rooftops that you’re an authority at what you do? So this may get a little tricky, but, hey, we’re gonna go there today anyway. Right? You wanna ask the deep questions.
Jennie Wright [00:09:08]:
We do.
Melanie Benson [00:09:09]:
If you’re not charging enough, your authority isn’t shining bright enough. Now I’m not saying you gotta charge $100,000 to work with you, but there are places where people consistently undercharge even against, commonly known, competitors who have different or offer something similar. And if you’re if you’re not brave enough to have something of that caliber, then there’s, like, this unconscious message we’re sending out. Like, I don’t believe in what I’m doing, or I don’t value my time. Right? There’s little unconscious,
Jennie Wright [00:09:47]:
or it’s not as good as Yeah.
Melanie Benson [00:09:50]:
Yeah. Or is this really gonna be worth my time? Because why should I be getting it for so cheap? Wright? And it’s like people often don’t even realize they’re thinking these things, but having appropriately priced value driven offers is a way we subtly showcase our authority. Yes. Because when you know you’re good at what you do and you’re an authority in it, you’re willing to charge accordingly with it. Now I wanna be really clear. I am not a fan of charging a bazillion dollars for things just because you can’t. We’re not trying to fund your leer jet. That’s not what we’re doing.
Melanie Benson [00:10:22]:
Right? We’re talking about charging in a way that the value proposition makes sense and is attracting the right clients for
Jennie Wright [00:10:31]:
you. Mhmm.
Melanie Benson [00:10:33]:
Comes out. The are 3 things. And then we start looking at now what’s your visibility strategy? How are you showcasing your authority to the world? What is the platform that you’re building that allows you to, like, elevate your expertise so that people can see you and recognize that you know what you’re doing, that you have a track record, that you’re taking the lead in the conversation. So a podcast is one of them. A show like this is one of them. Hosting events is one of them. Maybe authoring a book, which is something I’m working on right now. It’s like I have a lot of books, but I haven’t had one recently on the work that I’m doing today.
Melanie Benson [00:11:11]:
So writing a book, authoring a book. There are different ways that are can be really tuned into different people’s superpowers, but you need a way to not be one of the sea of sameness, but really elevate your brand, your message, and the work you do, and even who you are so people can start to build a relationship with you and choose you.
Jennie Wright [00:11:35]:
That hits home, the sea of sameness. Yeah. Niching in is such a underrated opportunity. Right? And really going in on that one thing. When you think you’re sort of like the jack of all trades, I always I mean, jack of all trades, master of none. I really do believe that if you are that person who is super focused on one thing and you do it super well, then you can add in those other modalities, but own that space. Wright? Whatever that is, own that first and then you can add back in, which I love. And then when you’re talking about creating the platforms or participating in the platforms, I mean, now you’re speaking my language.
Jennie Wright [00:12:15]:
Right? We’re talking about podcasting. We’re talking about being a guest on other people’s, speaking opportunities like summits or part of bundle, you know, bundled giveaways, which we were talking on before we hit record. And I’m so getting you on the next one. Okay.
Melanie Benson [00:12:28]:
Like The okay. Because I
Jennie Wright [00:12:31]:
can’t make it happen. I know and we couldn’t get you on the first one. I’m going to get you on the next one. I’ll even move the The. That’s happening. Oh. Okay. Like, that’s my promise.
Melanie Benson [00:12:39]:
That’s tantalizing. Okay. Alright. Listen to
Jennie Wright [00:12:43]:
me now. Gonna happen. This is my promise. It’s now on, like, recorded. No. I can’t get away from it now. But, the the creation of these platforms, I think, is really, really essential. And I think also your message, you know, I from things that I’ve read about you, from conversations that you and I’ve had, it doesn’t have to be hard.
Jennie Wright [00:13:01]:
It just has to be something that’s super clear and helps do the heavy lifting for you. I think and correct me if I’m wrong, but we wanna kind of, remove that barrier to entry for people to kind of get to know you, understand what you do, and how you function, and what you can do to support them. And I think like podcasting, what else besides like podcasting and other events would you say are like a really good way to do it?
Melanie Benson [00:13:29]:
Well, even being seen as a guest expert on other people’s shows is The way of kick starting The. And this really taps into what I have now start calling $1,000,000 visibility because I, I think sometimes we make it too hard. Yeah. We’re making it really complicated. We’re like, oh my god. I have to perfect all these things or learn all these things. And, yes, I want you to be strategic, and I want you to have a plan. And sometimes we have to learn some skills before it all starts to come together.
Melanie Benson [00:13:57]:
And I think just getting your message clarified, getting your titles really dialed in, and figuring out, like, who already has built an audience where my community is looking for answers, that’s that’s how I kick started my visibility strategy in the very beginning. Wright? At that time, it was live events. Now it’s Podcast, and virtual events are mostly what I do, although I do some in person speaking. But when you do that, there’s a couple things that are happening that I think we maybe undervalue the impact of. And one is you are tapping into instant audience. So someone else has already built the audience. They’ve already been attracting people who love what they do and are following The every step. And now you’ve been given this prized position of sharing your message in front of that audience, whatever audience that is, instant audience.
Melanie Benson [00:14:57]:
Right? So there’s probably sales in that room or in that in that, experience. There are definitely leads that are going to raise their hand and go, yes. I wanna know more. And there’s so much more. I’ll unpack the the whole compounding effect to a $1,000,000 visibility if you want, but we can’t undervalue that because when we step onto that stage, not only is it instant audience, but you are borrowing influence and credibility from that host. Because if that host has done a good enough job, they’ve vetted you. They trust you. They believe in what you do because they’re sharing you with their
Jennie Wright [00:15:35]:
audience. You better you better do
Melanie Benson [00:15:37]:
your job. Right? Yeah. Be be a good, guest, on their stage.
Jennie Wright [00:15:41]:
Completely. And you you create a transfer of credibility from the original host over to you. And as part of and I’d love to know more about $1,000,000 visibility, obviously, and I think that is or $1,000,000 yeah. $1,000,000 visibility. I’d wanna know more about what that means. I’d also like to know like, can you do you feel good sharing some of the crazy stuff that people do that you’re like, no, no, no, that is not $1,000,000 visibility. That is not that is not the plan. You have gone off the game plan.
Jennie Wright [00:16:10]:
Yes. And we gotta pull you back. Like, what does that look like?
Melanie Benson [00:16:15]:
I think there’s a few things. And and so part of this is just about being a guest expert. But a deep on a deeper level, I think what well, let me just say what $1,000,000 visibility is because I think this will this will start to set the context right. So we were talking about being a guest on other people’s stages and on their shows, and that’s what I call the first wave of visibility. Obviously, that visibility is precious. It’s valuable. Wright? And you’re going to generate, your own part of that by sharing it with your audience. The the host is sharing it with their audience.
Melanie Benson [00:16:50]:
Valuable exposure. But the second level is digging deeper and cultivating a little more with the host themselves. So where I think a lot of people make this giant mistake is they see this as a one off transaction. It’s a gimme mentality. Give me the visibility. I’m not sharing it. I’m not doing anything else with it. I’m taking your audience from, you know, like, I’m just gonna lean into that audience.
Melanie Benson [00:17:17]:
Take. Take. Take. Yeah. Yeah. And so it’s very transactional. It’s very one dimensional result, and that’s why a lot of people never get any ROI from The strategy. So level 1, you get access to the audience.
Melanie Benson [00:17:30]:
Level 2 is going deeper with the host. What else can we do together? How could we explore? There’s so much collaboration potential. Leverage the conversation in the green room. Be willing to give back. Create a back and forth relationship. But that’s not where it ends. Where $1,000,000 visibility really takes off, and this is what I’ve experienced in my life over and over and over again, is what happens when the people who hear you or see your message being showcased on that stage, in that audience, who also host events. Right? Then they say, hey, Melanie.
Melanie Benson [00:18:10]:
I love $1,000,000 visibility. I’ve got an event. I’d love to have you speak at it. Hey, Jenny. Like, oh my gosh. What you’re talking about with the fractional marketing, so needed right now. Can you come and talk at my summit? I’ve got, like, I’m booking shows for 5 more podcast hosts. Can you come? So now we’re not just The to 1, we’re one to Jennie.
Melanie Benson [00:18:33]:
And the and the compounding The ripple, like, just goes exponential. And then we really keep going and going and going because all of those, especially on podcasts, are going to continue to drive listeners and leads and more visibility for years.
Jennie Wright [00:18:53]:
Yes. It’s compounding. It’s like putting money into something that actually gives you interest.
Melanie Benson [00:18:59]:
Wright. And it and maybe even it’s like, this is the thing that, the the ROI Jennie x’s. Because it’s not just a 1 or 2 or 3 x. If you’re doing this well and you’ve used the strategy that I teach in my programs, you’re actually turning these visibility opportunities into 1,000,000 of dollars of visibility from the impact level and the income level.
Jennie Wright [00:19:23]:
Completely. Okay. My you’re like my my sister in the strategy of these things. Wiehler so on the same wavelength. And I I talk about the same things, which I love. And getting your perspective, I think is amazing. I love and first of all, the names of your programs are fun, like, just fantastic because they’re clear. They tell people exactly what you do, which is fantastic.
Jennie Wright [00:19:43]:
I want to talk about personal branding because that plays such a huge role, I think, in what you’re doing in brand authority, and also just getting your, your, you know, everybody to know who you are. What are the essential components do you think for a really powerful personal brand? And how can entrepreneurs really ensure that their brand authentically reflects their values?
Melanie Benson [00:20:06]:
Oh, I love the values piece coming into this because I think, values are where we have this unconscious tether to people, and values are either repelling or attracting. Mhmm. And you don’t even actually have to say what your values are out loud, but how you show up, the words you use, the messaging, your practices are basically teaching others what your values are. For some people, they’re gonna just put them right now. They’re on their Wright. And others, it’s like your beingness is demonstrating your values. And I think when we look at our personal brand, I think you first have to know what are your values. What do you wanna be known for? And this is actually the very first thing I do with my clients in I have a program I teach called 100 k 3 Accelerator.
Melanie Benson [00:20:54]:
And the very first thing we do is what do you wanna be known for? What is the recognized authority about? And so we’re doing a values exercise to help uncover that. And for me, since the very first time I did my values in 2003, my number one value is connection. My second value is fun, and my third value is like you might it’s not profit per se, but it’s abundance. It’s financial abundance, but done in a way that’s really based on effort and result. So it’s not a different that I know it’s an energy.
Jennie Wright [00:21:33]:
Yeah. I completely agree.
Melanie Benson [00:21:35]:
You look at my stuff, and you’re probably gonna know that’s how I am. Now I have other values that have emerged since then, like authenticity. Not that that was never my value, but I think 24 years in business, Jenny, it it reveals to you any place where maybe you are not 100% grounded in that value. Right? And it’s like, it’s very easy to get pulled into everybody else’s ways of doing things. It’s very easy to get pulled into things that you think might work because as marketers and business owners, we’re always having to kind of tweak and refine and lose connection to some of your authenticity. One of the things that happened for me along the Jason my own personal brand was we built such a huge business at one point that I lost the thing that I valued the most, which was connection.
Jennie Wright [00:22:28]:
Oh, no.
Melanie Benson [00:22:28]:
I was not feeling connected to my clients anymore. And it’s not that I have to handhold every single person, but I treasure the ability to guide somebody. And if I’m not feeling connected to them, I can’t do what I do. Like, my magic doesn’t turn on the same way. So, you know, we learn. We grow. We evolve. We we Wright our way back.
Melanie Benson [00:22:50]:
But I think as a personal brand, you need to know what do you stand for, what do you wanna be known for, and what are the ways that you wanna create an a, energy around that that repels the people who don’t get it, don’t want it, can’t, you know, get on the same page with you Yeah. And attracts and pulls in like a magnet with this irresistible quality to people who do.
Jennie Wright [00:23:17]:
You said something earlier that really I caught my ear and I’ve been like holding it in the back of my mind just to bring up now. And that is she’s like, what is it? Oh, my God. You mentioned that you use human design. I’ve had my my human design stuff done. I have a terrible memory as people know, but I believe it was like master connector or something was the
Melanie Benson [00:23:42]:
Yeah. That would not be human design, or at least not in the The side I know. There are 5 key human design types, manifestor, manifest and Jennie, generator. Generator. Yes. That’s what I think we uncovered when we talked about it before. Yes. Also, to complete that sentence, there’s projector and reflector, which are more rare.
Jennie Wright [00:23:59]:
How did you like, when did you start putting human design into what you were doing? Like 20 years ago, 24 years ago, nobody was talking about that stuff. Yeah. At all. So when did you start implementing that as a, like, a modality into what you do?
Melanie Benson [00:24:14]:
Well, I first learned about it about maybe 16, 15 years ago, somewhere in The. And a friend literally sat me down. We were having lunch and she’s like, girl, you’re burned out because you’re a manifestor operating like a generator. I was like, mind blown. Like, what does this mean? How do I fix it right now? And so it kinda sent me into this exploration of how human design might really serve me as a human. And then, I was doing a lot of masterminding with a friend of mine in Australia who uses human design a lot, and she started to drip these little things to me about my I’m a manifestor. And when she would share these things, I would say, oh my gosh, she’s so right. And it caused me to go deeper and start to look at how can we know ourselves, though, at the deepest core, the blueprint that our soul, you know, emerged with, and use that in a way to access our most authentic messaging, our most unique expression of our authority to really understand maybe patterns that are operating like undercurrents behind the scenes in our DNA and in ourselves because we do.
Melanie Benson [00:25:27]:
We have these patterns that are running all the time. And so I started using that to help my clients uncover where they had these disruptive money patterns or where they were maybe shying away or having some blocks to the way they could be more visible to their ideal clients in a way that was so authentic and not what Melanie was saying to do, but emerging from their own energetic blueprint. And it was like mind blowing how aligned it was and how it unlocked years of stuckness or confusion. So that’s kind of the base of how I use it a little bit differently maybe than other people use human design. And, it’s just been an extra tool in my toolbox.
Jennie Wright [00:26:10]:
I love adding tools to my toolbox. I think that I think when I started my own entrepreneurial journey back in 2012, that my toolbox was very, formal, very regulated, and very empty. Because I was coming from corporate and I had none of the soft skills that you need for this. And I think that we’re constantly evolving and that’s part of our magic as entrepreneurs that we’re constantly refining and evolving and testing and being a bit different and looking for new ways to improve. I think that’s really unique to what we do. And so I’d I’d love to sort of wrap this up with having you give us a little pep talk of if somebody’s listening to this and they’re like, okay, Jennie, I’m on board. I wanna do this. I’m stuck.
Jennie Wright [00:26:56]:
Like, I’m tired of being in the background and I really wanna step into my authority. What little pep talk would you give that person so they actually take that next step? Well, first
Melanie Benson [00:27:05]:
of all, usually The reason why we’re holding back a little bit or a lot is typically there’s some kind of unhealed block around visibility. And so just know it’s common, but you don’t have to build a pitch pitch attention and live there. Right? And what I always tell my clients is you are designed to be a lighthouse. Your message puts that bright light in the in the lighthouse. And if your ideal clients are out there looking for a solution and they can’t see the light coming out of your lighthouse, they’re choosing someone else. So your job is to strengthen and optimize and build your confidence in your personal power around your message and your unique and let that light shine as bright as possible because if they can’t see you, then they’re not gonna hire you.
Jennie Wright [00:27:55]:
Simplest terms. That’s exactly it. Nobody knows you’re The. They’re not coming for you. So they got to know you’re there and you got to put it out there. I love the lighthouse analogy. That’s fantastic.
Melanie Benson [00:28:05]:
Kinda stumbled into my vocabulary one day. It’s like it’s like a lighthouse. Like, but the Wright off in your lighthouse, so let’s get the light turned on. And and, you know, sometimes people are a little, traumatized by shining bright. So let’s level that business energetic and allow that light to shine bright again. Because you know, it’s Jennie you don’t have to be inauthentic to do that, but you do need to have a way to shine.
Jennie Wright [00:28:33]:
It sounds like you give people a lot of personal power to be able to do the things that make them really successful and get them to those multi 5, you know, like the 5 figure months and up to that $1,000,000 visibility. So thank you for what you’re doing. I think it’s fabulous as you know, but, you help a lot of people and that’s great. Thank you. How can people connect with you, find you, hear more about your message?
Melanie Benson [00:28:57]:
Well, I think you can find me on any social media platform. Facebook’s my favorite, and LinkedIn. So feel free to reach out The. Let us know that you heard me with, this amazing Jennie Wright on Acquire Podcast. And I have a resource that I think might be a great place to start. If you are really curious about this $1,000,000 visibility and you’re thinking, okay, how can I activate this quality or borrow it from other people? If you’re starting there, then you can go download my free framework. It’s the 7 key elements that need to be in place for you to start borrowing and succeeding with that $1,000,000 visibility. If you go to melaniebenson.comforward/acquire, you can download that and walk through it like you’re self assessing, like how how optimized are these different pieces of my business right now? And, it’ll just be very illuminating to see where can you strengthen and what do you already have as a strength that you can lean on right now?
Jennie Wright [00:30:01]:
Amazing. Wiehler gonna have that link in the show notes as well as everywhere you can find Jennie. And I can attest, she is very, very reachable on Facebook. We have quite the thread going in our little messenger, and that’s how we that’s how we started talking. So I just want everybody to think about what it means to have your own brand authority to shine that light and to stop being in the shadows. I know I had my own personal Jennie, having my own Podcast, Scary AF, but love it. And it is a really great vehicle. And I highly recommend that if you’re not having your own podcast, you get on other people’s Podcast, and you get into that visibility, which is fabulous.
Jennie Wright [00:30:37]:
And it does pay dividends back. So starting now, great. You can do that and you can start building from it, which is fantastic. So, Melanie, thank you so much again. Really appreciate it. And if you’re listening and you like the podcast, please, consider subscribing, leaving a comment. I’d love to hear what you think. And also, if you’re on YouTube, give, you know, give us a like.
Jennie Wright [00:30:56]:
Let me know you’re there. So thank you so much for listening, everybody. And as always, the The Podcast is brought to you by the The Phonic Podcast Network. Thanks so much.