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May 21, 2024Episode 35
Craft Irresistible Lead Magnets: Insider Tips for Building Trust
Are you struggling to create lead magnets that truly connect with your audience and convert like clockwork?
Today we’re diving deep into the world of lead magnets. Join me as I share insights gleaned from over a decade in the business trenches. From the frustrations of crafting lackluster lead magnets to the exhilaration of unleashing high-converting ones, I’ll be spilling all the secrets on how to create offers that truly resonate with your audience’s pain points.
Get ready to discover the importance of delivering high-value content, designing user-friendly landing pages, and implementing savvy promotion tactics that will take your lead generation game to the next level.
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Connect with Jennie:
Website: https://jenniewright.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennielwright/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenniewrightjlw/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjGQCVDgaOGsxrqq-w0Osmw
Want to grow your email list or launch your next product to a ready list of leads? Let’s talk
Here’s a sneak peek of what we’ll cover:
- Understanding Lead Magnets: Ever wondered why lead magnets are the holy grail of list building? I’m breaking it down for you. Learn how these little gems attract your ideal clients and lay the groundwork for long-term connections.
- Identifying Pain Points: Picture this: you’ve got an amazing lead magnet, but it’s falling flat. Why? Because you missed the mark on addressing your audience’s pain points. I’ll share my own missteps and show you how to hit the bullseye every time.
- Creating High-Value Content: When it comes to lead magnets, content is king. But not just any content – it has to be high-value, actionable, and irresistible. Tune in as I spill the beans on crafting guides, tutorials, and resources that your audience will devour.
- Designing Compelling Opt-in Forms and Landing Pages: Your lead magnet is only as good as its delivery system. I’ll walk you through the key elements of killer opt-in forms and landing pages that turn curious visitors into loyal subscribers.
- Effective Promotion Strategies: You’ve got your lead magnet – now what? It’s time to spread the word! I’ll share my top-notch promotion strategies to get your lead magnet in front of the right eyes, from social media to email campaigns and beyond.
Jennie Wright
Lead generation and online summit queen, the host of the Aquire podcast
Jennie Wright [00:00:02]:
Hey everybody. Welcome to the Acquire Podcast, where we take a look and a deep dive into all things, business growth, client acquisition, sales, and launches, as well as a ton of lead gen. I’m your host, Jennie Wright. I’m a list build and lead generation strategist, as well as fractional CMO. I love talking about this topic and I want to get into something that I get a lot of questions about. So So we’re going to start with a question. Have you ever wondered what sets apart the lead magnets that convert like crazy and the ones that barely, barely make a blip on the radar. Have you ever thought about that? Because I do constantly.
Jennie Wright [00:00:45]:
I always try and see what is making these lead magnets that some people have go absolutely bananas and what makes some lead magnets not convert at all. I’ll start with The story. Back when I started this business, well over a decade ago, I did an online summit. I was under, I was being coached and my coach said, do an online summit, a virtual summit. Then you’re going to do a 3 part video series. And the 3 part video series, you can also use as a lead magnet in the future. And the video series was supposed to reflect all the learnings from the summit. Now my first summit had the most insanely, just crazy title.
Jennie Wright [00:01:28]:
It was the dream business summit. And, it really was not my best work, but it was brand new. And the Dream Business Summit, I had no idea who I was talking to and what it was about. The speakers that were part of that summit really had no reflection on what it is that I would eventually end up doing because I thought I was gonna be a coach. And I actually didn’t end up being a coach for about 6 years. I actually ended up becoming a virtual assistant that produced summits, which is how I’ve gotten to, you know, over 380 summits. I get called the summit queen, but that’s not what I thought I was going to do when I launched the Dream Business Summit. And so this 3 part video series, this lead magnet that I created was all the things that I was supposedly supposed to have learned and wanted other people to glean so that I could book coaching, sales calls, and close my coaching.
Jennie Wright [00:02:17]:
So this lead magnet did not convert at all. I mean, at all. I think I got, for the total of that lead magnet being alive, which was probably I think I used it for probably about, I don’t know, 11 months, I think 53 people subscribed. So it was definitely one of those lead magnets that just did not work. And there’s a ton of reasons why, and I’m gonna get into those. Now think ahead to today. As we’re as I’m recording this, I am a speaker on a summit. And the summit that I’m a speaker on, I have a free gift.
Jennie Wright [00:02:51]:
And it’s a training that is about how to convert your email list into buyers. And that particular lead magnet being used on this summit is getting me between, right now, anywhere between 25 to 30 new subscribers a day. You know, over the weekend that actually increased. It was about 75. So in the span of about 5 days, I’ve added 300 people to my list in a grand total kind of thing, which is phenomenal. That means that that lead magnet works. And I’ve been using that lead magnet for a while now, and it works really, really well. And the reason it’s a lead magnet is it’s actually a paid masterclass that I get for free on summits and and and so on.
Jennie Wright [00:03:40]:
And I have a couple of those. And so why does this one work versus that 3 part video series from the Dream Business Summit? The reason is my lead magnet that I’m using now that’s getting me all these leads addresses a pain point, and that is the biggest factor. And that when one of the biggest factors I should say in the success of your lead magnet, the content within it has to really hit a pain point for your ideal client. And that can be anything. That that can just be a literally anything. It depends on your audience, but it also depends on how people like to learn. If your audience loves Podcast listening to audio while they’re on the go, then your lead magnet should reflect that. Now the content can be something completely different, but the way that your audience consumes the content matters.
Jennie Wright [00:04:33]:
And that’s really important. And The of my clients is a beauty expert and she is showing people how to apply makeup, how to deal with aging skin. And what’s really important is that her lead magnets are both a beautiful PDF, but but including video tutorials or demonstrations so that people can see the product can see the product in use, can see her putting it on either herself or a model that would, you know, that that’s allowing that to be, to be done. And so that’s really, really important. So that is that’s the biggest factors that really determine and that lead magnet that I created years ago, The, you know, the 3 part video series did none of that. It actually was ridiculously bad because I didn’t have any pain points that I had put the time and research into figuring it out. And my audience didn’t give a crap about video at the time. They had just gone through a 21 day virtual summit because that’s what they were back then.
Jennie Wright [00:05:35]:
And it was all audio because that’s what summons were. So a video series just wasn’t hitting, Wasn’t gonna work. So I had to revamp. I mean, I’ve built so many lead magnets over the years, but now I know what works. And so I really wanna give you that knowledge today. So wherever you are in your business, I want you to evaluate your lead magnet and how it’s doing. And then I want you to look at either refreshing or up leveling it or creating a brand new one. One of my new clients that I just acquired, last week, she is a stylist and her whole thing is feeling good in the body that you’re in so that you can show up in your marketing, feeling confident, energetic, and being your true self.
Jennie Wright [00:06:21]:
So she actually coordinates with a lot of photographers and brand photographers to help her clients sort of dress for the occasion. So they feel good. And, I’m really excited because she’s gonna help me. I have an event coming up. And, at the time that I’m recording this, I have an event coming up, an in person event. And I just need a little bit of a refresh in terms of, like, what I should wear, and I’m really excited to use that. Now her lead magnet was the 4 things, you know, the 4 things of x, y, z, a, b, c to create a style look. And I didn’t think that was really hitting her a pain point.
Jennie Wright [00:06:55]:
So I just advised her, on our first call on Friday to create a brand new lead magnet. You know, the people that love what she does are into fashion or are loving or wanting to look and feel comfortable. So brand new lead magnet, you know, we’ve gotta look at the amount of money that people are willing to spend to refresh their wardrobe or not. And at the time that we’re doing this, I mean, it’s a little tight. Like, it’s, it’s May 2024. We’ve, we’ve got a lot going on in the world. We’ve got a lot of people who are keeping an eye on their purse strings. We’ve gotta be relevant with that.
Jennie Wright [00:07:31]:
So I have advised her to create a lead magnet that is about shopping your closet and creating beautiful outfits from things that you already have. And then looking at ways to amplify that either with accessories or with a coat or a jacket or a new pair of shoes or whatever it is, but not having to go out and go, you know, a total blitz on revamping your wardrobe because not everybody can do that right now, but we still wanna look fresh and new in our marketing. We wanna get those brand photos done. I’m due for my next brand photo set. My last one was, right before COVID lockdowns happened. So it was February of 2019. I’m due. So these these kinds of lead magnets are so important to sort of look at.
Jennie Wright [00:08:14]:
And I really wanna make sure that in this episode, you understand how little tweaks can make a huge difference. So but let me pull back for a second in case all this talk about lead magnets has you completely confused. I want you to understand and and share a little bit about the purpose of a lead magnet. And let’s unpack that a little bit for you. So lead magnets are valuable resources and we use these in online marketing to attract our ideal client and for the purposes of growing our email lists. So these lead magnets can be a lot of different things. There’s ebooks and checklists and webinars and templates, you name it. And these lead magnets lay the foundation for building trust and creating rapport with your audience and setting the stage for deeper connections down the road and helping you, like I said, grow your list.
Jennie Wright [00:09:09]:
And if you do lead magnets really, really well, then I should talk about on another episode, all of the follow-up emails that you should be setting up The follow-up sequences and the potential for using those sequences to actually convert people who’ve joined your lead magnet into becoming paying clients and customers. So lead magnets are gonna be a vehicle to convey that trust, to build that rapport, to grow your email list, and eventually make sales. Now I talked about identifying your audience’s pain points, but I didn’t tell you how to do it. And the best way that you can do it is just by listening. What I do is I Jennie or I, I’ve joined a lot of different Facebook groups. I’m in a couple of subreddits as well because I find on Reddit, people are really, really honest, as long as they’re not being like, you know, armchair quarterbacks about other people’s lives. But for the most part, we get some honesty in there and I hear a lot of pain points. So, I want you to think about the pain points that your ideal client has.
Jennie Wright [00:10:13]:
And if you have an established audience, you can look at creating some, some quizzes. You can take a look at how you’re gonna actually get in front of your ideal client and ask them the questions. You can look at what other people are saying. I love sort of researching podcasts that are dealing with my audience, not necessarily my Podcast, funny enough, but other people’s podcasts. And I look and see what they’re covering. And if I see a trend, then I know that’s a trend that I should potentially take a look at. Maybe I have a different way of covering it. I have a different opinion, but it’s something that I should also be talking about because it’s probably a pain point, but I always look at that with a little bit of grain of salt.
Jennie Wright [00:10:53]:
I don’t wanna just follow a trend. I really want to identify the issues that people are struggling with and then be able to talk to them. So listening to your audience is absolutely key. I always monitor also social media conversations, looking at what people are saying, depending on hashtags and whatnot and customer feedback. You get a ton of information from customer feedback saying, I really need this, but I got this. Right? So by pinpointing these pain points, you can actually create lead magnets that offer immediate solutions and provide genuine value, which again, builds the trust, builds the rapport, and helps you close them down the road. One of the things that I think is really key with your lead magnets is that they’re high value. I can’t tell you how many times I have registered for a lead magnet to see what it is, and I’ve gotten a 1 page PDF.
Jennie Wright [00:11:45]:
Or in the case of one person that was trying to hire me, which I ended up not actually working with them, it wasn’t a good fit. But when I went to check out their lead magnet, their lead magnet was a blank word document with 3 sentences. That’s not gonna solve my problem at all. It’s not gonna help me. It’s not gonna help anybody. It felt really like, I mean, can you imagine signing up for a lead magnet and getting 3 sentences on a word doc? I was, I was completely shocked. And when I told this person that that wasn’t providing high value content, they actually got mad at me, which is kind of why they were not going to be a client. But, you know, when we look at creating high value content with our lead magnets, we have to look at kind of, you know, rolling up our sleeves, diving into this content creation process and making our lead magnets the best possible thing that we can so that people understand kind of like who you are or how you work, the the level of content that you’re willing to give people in something free always makes people feel like, wow, if I got this for free, can you imagine what it would be like to work with them? Like they’re gonna over deliver.
Jennie Wright [00:12:57]:
And I love that. I think it actually helps people sort of understand who we are and what we’re willing to do to help others. So, and it creates this, this exchange of information. So if you think of how people find you, they might find you on social media. They might hear you on a podcast. They could hear you on a summit. And they’re coming from somewhere else. Everybody who finds you is on somebody else’s email list.
Jennie Wright [00:13:23]:
You’re not the 1st person they subscribe to. You’re not the last person they’ll subscribe to, but we have to create this arc of this transfer of credibility from the people and the persons that they already follow and are already on their email list over to you. And so we have to do that by a couple of things. 1, that high value content. 2, really identifying their pain points. 3, making sure that we’re delivering things in a way that they want to receive audio, video, and so on. And then the 4th thing is really making sure that we’re presenting it in our own unique fashion. The way that I talk about lead magnets is completely different than the way that other people talk about lead magnets because of my learned experience, my years of, you know, my years of doing this and my success rate.
Jennie Wright [00:14:12]:
I’m going to sound completely different about lead magnets The say somebody like Amy Porterfield, who has been around a little bit longer than me and has a ton more lead magnets, than I do. And that’s okay. She came before me. That’s awesome. But when we’re looking at these lead magnets and when we’re trying to facilitate this transfer of credibility from The person’s list over to your list, we have to go after all of those things. Wright. So think about ways you can create this high value content. Think comprehensive guides, not a 1 page PDF.
Jennie Wright [00:14:48]:
Think step by step tutorials and resource libraries that are packed with actionable insights and not just fluff. Remember, the goal is to deliver solutions that address your audience’s pain point head on in a way that they want to receive it in a way that creates the transfer of credibility and helps you get seen as the expert in your field. Right? So those are really, really, really important. Now if we switch gears a bit and go into how to not only I mean, you’ve created your your lead magnet at this point. Now we’ve gotta actually get it in front of your ideal client and then market it. So let’s talk about creating a really high compelling, landing page or even a, form. Okay? So opt in forms, I mean, if you have just a simple opt in form, that’s okay The, but a landing page is gonna make a difference. So one of the lead magnets that I just created, not like for myself, last week, the landing page is converting on medium to warm traffic at 47.1%.
Jennie Wright [00:15:53]:
That’s huge. That means that for everybody who lands on that page, every 100 people that land on that page, 47 of them are going to register for that lead magnet. That gives me a better chance than the average lead magnet, which is between anywhere about, I don’t know, 10 to 22% opt in Wright. That gives me a better chance because I have more people registering for it to actually get them to open the email, click the link to book a call with me, and then follow-up through that call. So the math, math’s better. Okay? The more people that register on a landing page or through an opt in form, the better your chances are. So you really want these things to convert really well. And this is a this is something that people need to pay attention to and spend more time on, in my opinion.
Jennie Wright [00:16:35]:
I build The high converting landing pages. I’ve been doing it for over a decade. I know what works. And if yours are not converting at that level, that’s okay. We can get you there. I mean, this podcast already has a couple different episodes that’ll help you with that. And there’ll be more to come because it’s a topic I’d love to talk about. And so a landing page that converts really, really well is important or an opt in form.
Jennie Wright [00:16:59]:
Also very important and your form on your landing page makes a huge difference. It plays a big, big role in capturing leads and facilitating the exchange of that contact information. The whole goal being Jennie your name and email. But the thing is it does again need to be visually appealing and user friendly. If you’re asking for first name, last name, email, phone number, how did you find us? What are you looking for? Are you ready to receive coaching? Are you The, are you that? If you have like 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 different fields for people to fill in before they hit submit, Good luck with that. I mean, if that works, if you have an established audience that’s used to communicating with you, but if you’re trying to pull new people in, create that transfer of credibility, first name, email, submit button. That’s it. But make it look good.
Jennie Wright [00:17:53]:
Right? So user friendly, easy peasy, looking good. So think carefully about the design. Think carefully about your placement. Think carefully about things. And I’m gonna give you a really good example. One of my clients just switched from ClickFunnels to GoHighLevel. Both of those are landing page, builders. You can use them for websites.
Jennie Wright [00:18:13]:
You can use them for a ton of stuff. And when they moved from ClickFunnels and by the way, I built all the pages on ClickFunnels, but they wanted to move into go high level and have more of an all in one solution. So all the pages from ClickFunnels were being moved to go high level. And when that person that’s working for her moved them, they, they built forms that didn’t look good on the page, first of all, and they don’t looked really bad on mobile. But another thing is they didn’t carry over some of the stylistic components that I use to make high converting forms, such as rounded corners, drop shadow, and sometimes even text shadow if it’s a dark bar background with light copy. So little, little things that can add to the conversion. Wright? So that form, when I first saw it on go high level, which I mean, it’s easy to make stuff on go high level look good. This person had not done that yet.
Jennie Wright [00:19:08]:
I, you know, they’re learning. They don’t have the, they don’t have my experience and that’s okay. I it doesn’t matter. I just want them to be able to learn and improve their skills so that those pages convert better for my client. And so I had to say, okay, we’re going to add some we’re gonna add a couple different components. And if if you’re listening to this and you’re thinking, Jenny rounded corners and drop shadow does not convert on a form. You’re right. It is just part of a larger strategy of making a page visually pleasant.
Jennie Wright [00:19:40]:
Here’s one of the things that I, I don’t tell a lot of people, but I’ll tell, I’ll tell you guys this because I think it’s really cool for you to know. We live in a three-dimensional world. We see things in, right in front of us. We see things in our peripheral. We see things 2 feet, 6 feet, 30 feet away. We do not look at our pages. We do not look at the world in 2 dimensions most of the time. And when we create a landing page or any page, actually, in my opinion, website included, that is 2 dimensional, meaning there’s no drop shadow.
Jennie Wright [00:20:18]:
There’s no forward elements. There’s no background elements. There’s no, layers. There’s there’s no structure and and, you know, just like all these different elements that kinda make for a layer on top of a layer on top of a layer, which creates a three-dimensional look on your page, your eyes perceive that as boring. And if you really want people to stay on your page, create 3 dimensions. It’s not hard. It looks beautiful, and it adds a lot of character to the pages that keeps the eye interested. That is basically one of the biggest secrets to my high converting landing pages right there.
Jennie Wright [00:20:59]:
So go ahead and use The. Go back to your pages and look at how you can do it. You can overdo it by the way, so try not to, but just doing a little bit, 20% drop shadow, 20%, you know, opacity on a background, having overlay on a background to kind of mute it, having some, you I mean, I can do a whole episode on this and I probably should, just on this one particular thing. So back to the back to what I was talking about, which was designing compelling opt in forms and landing pages, go and do that. And if you can’t do that, hire somebody to do it for you. Okay. And go back through your pages and look at how you can make improvements because you can like The little percent, 2%, 3% on your conversions can mean more people into your pipeline for you to close. You want that.
Jennie Wright [00:21:46]:
Okay. And then let’s talk about, before we wrap this episode up, let’s talk about promotion and, you know, putting up a lead magnet and just throwing it out into the ethos is not gonna mean that people are gonna register. You absolutely have to look at promotion, right? Creating an irresistible lead magnet is just your first step. You also need to promote it effectively. This means spreading the word far and wide across various channels from social media to email campaigns to potentially even paid advertising. I’m running ads right now to a webinar, that is gonna be happening, May 21st Wright 2024, if you’re listening to this later. And it’s all about lead gen. And I’m running paid ads to that landing page, and that landing page is converting well over 40% on warm and cold traffic.
Jennie Wright [00:22:35]:
So I’m promoting it in various channels. It’s on social media. I’ve already emailed my list and also The paid traffic. And paid traffic, I mean, I’m not an expert in it. I have somebody who does it for me, just because that makes more sense to me. But I want you to look at how you can craft compelling copy and visuals that grab people’s attention across all these different channels. And it compels your audience to take The next step. What does that look like for you? Probably a lot different than a lot of people, but but I really want you to think about it because it’s going to help you in the long run.
Jennie Wright [00:23:06]:
All right. We’ve covered 5 really cool aspects of creating, lead magnets that just are irresistible to your audience and create compelling actions. We’ve talked about the purpose of a lead magnet. We’ve identified our pain points. We talked about high value content. We also talked about opt in forms and landing pages that convert and also promotion. And so out of those 5 things, if you do these effectively, you’re going to have a better converting lead magnet. And I think this is one of those things that sometimes get overlooked.
Jennie Wright [00:23:39]:
And as somebody who does fractional CMO work, this is something I look at and I do an audit on. So when somebody brings me into their business, it doesn’t matter what business is. I’m looking at their lead generation, how people are coming into the business, what happens once they do, because a lot of people don’t have all of the background stuff running that I think is essential, like follow-up emails, a new sequence, you know, Seinfeld The, whatever. Like The don’t have all of those things in place sometimes to ensure that their brand new leads are fostered and nurtured into becoming a brand new client. So when I do an audit, I look at The. I mean, lead magnets are where I look first. Your lead gen strategy is essential, and I think people overlook too much. And I know that, you know, not everybody looks at lead magnets and lead gen the way that I do, which I’m completely, you know, I’m I’m I’m just nuts over it.
Jennie Wright [00:24:30]:
I love this stuff. And so by giving you some of this knowledge, I hope that you can use it as well. And I hope I listened to this episode, I’ve given you some insights that are useful. If I have, please hit subscribe to the Acquire podcast so you don’t miss anything else in the future. I’ve got a ton of great episodes coming up to help you grow your business, to scale, to launch all that good stuff. And don’t forget to connect with me on social media. All of the social media that I places that I play in are in the show notes. And I’d love to hear from you.
Jennie Wright [00:24:59]:
So until next time, thank you so much for listening to The Acquire Podcast. And as always, the Acquire podcast is brought to you by the Audphonic Podcast Network. Thanks so much. Take care.