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May 28, 2024Episode 36
Crafting Impactful Events: Strategies for Success from Event Planning Expert Karrington Warfield

Do you want to know the secrets behind successful event planning, from choosing the right speakers to generating significant revenue through strategic offers and partnerships?
Today we’re focusing on the ever-evolving landscape of online events. We’ll explore strategies for planning, executing, and maximizing the potential of these events to ensure they’re impactful and successful.
I’m thrilled to have a special guest with me today, Karrington Warfield. Karrington is an event strategy coach, author, and speaker with a wealth of experience in corporate event planning and executive-level leadership retreats. Together, we’re going to unpack the challenges and opportunities in event planning and discuss the crucial elements that contribute to successful events in today’s context.
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Connect with Karrington:
Follow Karrington on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/karringtonwar/
Follow Karrington on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/karrington.warfield
Connect with Karrington on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/karrington-warfield-38886635/
Connect with Jennie:
Website: https://jenniewright.com
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/jennielwright/
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jenniewrightjlw/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjGQCVDgaOGsxrqq-w0Osmw
Want to grow your email list or launch your next product to a ready list of leads? Let’s talk
On This Week’s Episode:
- The Evolving Landscape of Events in 2024: How event planning has changed post-pandemic and what strategies are now essential for planning and executing successful events.
- Karrington’s Passion for Event Planning: Karrington shares her love for planning conferences, with a focus on engaging elements like keynote speakers, breakout sessions, and networking opportunities that make events unforgettable.
- The Rise of Hybrid Events: The growing trend of hybrid events and the need to create innovative experiences that cater to diverse attendee needs and budgets.
- Challenges in Event Planning: The importance of public speaking, selling products, and effective event management for entrepreneurs, and how to overcome these common challenges.
- Impact of Speakers and Event Durations: Insights into how the choice of speakers and event durations can influence attendee experience and engagement.
- Managing Event Fatigue: Strategies to combat event fatigue, including planning during off-peak seasons to save on venue costs and keeping energy levels high.
- Event Planners vs. Strategists: The distinction between event planners and strategists, focusing on creativity and experience-driven planning to elevate events.
- Using Technology to Enhance Events: How drones and other technologies can enhance online experiences and why smaller to mid-sized conferences are often more manageable and impactful.
- Revenue Generation at Events: The importance of bringing in experts to close deals, financial planning for hosting, and generating revenue through tailored offers and financing options.
- Key Factors for Event Success: Essential elements like goal setting, understanding your audience, adding value, and aligning speakers, with a focus on the financial benefits of hiring influential speakers.

Jennie Wright
Lead generation and online summit queen, the host of the Aquire podcast
Jennie Wright [00:00:02]:
Hi. This is the Acquirer podcast from the Odd Phonic Podcast Network, and I am Jenny Wright. This is the podcast that delves deep into the world of list building and online events, and it’s designed to empower entrepreneurs and marketers with the knowledge and strategies to master these essential business growth tactics. We have a really great guest today. And before I introduce her, Carrington, please say hi.
Karrington Warfield [00:00:25]:
Hi, everyone. Thanks for having me, Jenny.
Jennie Wright [00:00:27]:
Of course. Carrington Warfield is here with us today. It’s gonna be a really good conversation. You are not only an event strategy coach. But you’re also a seasoned author and a speaker and a mastermind behind some really memorable events that seem to resonate really well with your audience. So We are in the same space, and I love this. We’re gonna have a really good conversation about online events and what it all means, And your expertise stems from a very rich background in corporate event planning, orchestrating a diverse diverse range of high profile events from executive level, Leadership retreats to sales launches and and beyond, which is great. And you are a certified meeting and event strategist, but you don’t always just focus on the efficiency of the events, but you prioritize effectiveness and a flawless execution.
Jennie Wright [00:01:14]:
So Carrington’s mission is to empower coaches and entrepreneurs and planners not just plan events, but create an immersive experience that leaves lasting impacts. So I love that we share a a common background. I used to do corporate event planning too. I used to do AGMs, and I did a lot of Charity golf tournaments back in the day. Nice. Yeah. Super intense. Super intense, but really, really fun.
Jennie Wright [00:01:42]:
So we have this common background. And when we were talking about building this episode together, one of the things that I said is I wanted to create, community and collaboration over competition. And Right. Instead of instead of saying, oh my gosh. Carrington is, like, just like me. It builds online events and in person events. I couldn’t put my, quote, unquote, competition on this podcast. I’d rather have the conversation and find out what’s good, what you do, what you love, What makes events different and maybe, like, how we can improve this space in this, you know, in this new year.
Jennie Wright [00:02:18]:
Because at the time of recording it, we’re almost at the end of 2023. This is coming out in 2024, but there’s a lot that we can look at doing. So let’s talk about, online events and the evolution of event strategy. With your experience in these different events, like, first of all, talk about the events that you love to plan, and then tell me a little bit about The change in strategy that you’ve kinda seen happening.
Karrington Warfield [00:02:43]:
So I would say I love to do conferences. And reason being is because I like the fact that there’s different pieces to it. Right? You could have your keynote speaker. You have sometimes your breakout sessions, your networking sessions. I like to switch it up a little bit. Right? I feel like sometimes I get a little bit bored. Like, I’ve been to events Before in the past where it’s just been someone talking to you all day. And it’s great and not that that it wasn’t a bunch of value, but I start to get a little bored.
Karrington Warfield [00:03:14]:
Right. I start getting on my phone. I start getting antsy. And so I love conferences because it gives you an opportunity to do different things And break things up for the audience as well because if you get bored, your audience could tend to get bored as well. Right? And, I’m sorry. Could you repeat the question about the strategy piece? I’m sorry.
Jennie Wright [00:03:32]:
Yeah. No worries. I’m just thinking about the strategy of how events have changed. So Pre pandemic, people were going to all sorts of events. There’s like there’s like a conference season where everybody’s going to conferences. And then during like, in the summer and then during winter, that switches to places like Florida and then, you know, places that stay warm. So there’s lots of places to go.
Karrington Warfield [00:03:51]:
But what
Jennie Wright [00:03:52]:
do you see changing? Right? So you’re talking about creating immersive events. How have these events changed, like, post pandemic? And what immersive experiences are keeping you and the event goers from being bored?
Karrington Warfield [00:04:06]:
I think they’ve changed. I’ll say this. Think a lot of them have stayed the same.
Jennie Wright [00:04:10]:
Karrington Warfield [00:04:10]:
But I think that now that we’re getting back to the in person events, that we’re having to create is a little bit more. Think a little bit more out of the box with experiences. I was talking to someone a couple of weeks ago and they were asking, like, what are some things that you can do? I’m seeing things where people are using drones and, like, robots and all kinds of stuff depending on the event. Right? Again, it goes back to your budget. Right? If you’ve got this super grandiose budget, you can do things of that nature. But think that some of them are the Same, but some of them now where people are we’ve gotta get people used to coming back. Right? And then now with it being Flu season, people are a little bit weird about COVID. I’m starting to see people wearing mask and things of that nature again.
Karrington Warfield [00:04:54]:
I think that you have to create an experience for people, And that’s where I see the differences. Not that people weren’t before, but I think now you’ve got to think a lot more out of the box. Right? What can I do different that I didn’t do before? Or sometimes even when you’ve been to another event, you get ideas like, oh my gosh. This is a great idea. And it’s not stealing anything. Right? You wanna take those things and make it your own. Right? So I don’t think that it’s anything wrong with you using some of the ideas that you’ve seen somewhere else. Just kinda putting your own spin on it, but we’ve gotta think about the experience now is what I’m seeing is a lot different.
Jennie Wright [00:05:31]:
Absolutely. And I’m also seeing with in person events that there is a hybrid of in person and online.
Karrington Warfield [00:05:40]:
Jennie Wright [00:05:40]:
I just started up with a client who runs an online or sorry, in person conference every year in, Connecticut. Every and it’s like something that people look forward to every single year. It grows every single year. He’s known really, really well in the space, and he’s adding an online, portion to it. So, obviously, like, during COVID, this whole conference cut down. Like, it was, you know, strictly closed and everything Everything, and then he went online for a bit. Now he’s back to in person, and and he’s adding a hybrid. So hybrid events, I think, are really Cool.
Jennie Wright [00:06:12]:
Like, do you do you see, like, a raise in or rise in the amount of hybrids that are happening?
Karrington Warfield [00:06:18]:
I do. I went to a conference last summer. It was huge. It was 2 days long. Literally all day from, like, 8 to 5. Actually, it went to 6 one day. But, we had it was hybrid, and so they had a bunch of people Online, what I think is great about that is that sometimes people just don’t have the budget. Right? They’ve paid the registration, but they don’t have the budget to to fly or to rent a car or to stay at a hotel depending on the type of season or what season it is.
Karrington Warfield [00:06:45]:
It might be peak season where things are a lot more expensive. And so I love the hybrid because people have the opportunity to come, right, to register for the event, but still save money, but still get the same value.
Jennie Wright [00:06:57]:
Karrington Warfield [00:06:58]:
And then those that can come and have the budget to be able to pay for the hotel and the and the the car rental and the flights and things of that nature, they still get that same experience. So I love that. I think hybrid is amazing, and I’ve seen a much, more people or increase in that in hybrids In the hybrid space since COVID. So I love it because you’re not just providing that value to those that are online, but those that are In person, so everybody’s getting the same value. I think the experience may be a little bit a little bit different, but I think that if you work at making the experience as Good as you can online, I think that it’s still a good opportunity for people to attend, and they still get the same type value.
Jennie Wright [00:07:38]:
Yeah. Yeah. There’s I I I agree with you with with that, and I look at, the experience that we can create. You you said that the experience between in person and online would be different, and that’s That’s gonna happen. But what you what I think people can do is they can look at the ways that they can increase that experience maybe with, like, a virtual goodie bag And, you know, different things. What I what I love and what I wanna get into with you about is how you can make money with these things. Right? So with an online, like a hybrid online and in person experience, don’t you think that you could actually potentially even make more money so you could have People who were die hards were gonna show up in person, and then the people who are like, I could never make it, but now that it’s online, I can sit at my you know, I could sit at home or I can sit at work, and I can participate. Right? So, I mean, a lot of events yeah.
Jennie Wright [00:08:29]:
So, like, let’s talk about that. Let’s talk about the different ways, that you would sort of, like, as a strategist, see that you could add more, you know, I guess, just more financial benefit to being able to do it that way. Mhmm.
Karrington Warfield [00:08:43]:
First of all, you’re obviously gonna make more money. Right? You’re gonna generate more revenue because now it’s not just about The in person, but there’s now another revenue stream of the online. Mhmm. Right? The biggest thing is that you’ve got to market it. You’ve got to be able to market it. What I’ve been pushing a lot lately is I’m seeing a lot of entrepreneurs are hosting their own awareness events. Right? Yep. Because they’re trying to bring awareness around their brand, their services, their products, whatever it is that they’re providing, right, to their clients.
Karrington Warfield [00:09:13]:
Mhmm. But you’ve gotta have a strategy behind it. So the preplanning is the most important. Right? The promoting and the marketing. Right? Use your social media. It’s free. You know, ads are really good, depending on your your target. And I think that hashtags, people don’t understand the importance of using hashtags.
Karrington Warfield [00:09:31]:
That’s a strategy in of itself, using your hashtags because the the hashtags, when you do your research on your hashtags and your social media, that just Increases the number or the target audience that you can reach. Right? Okay. So that’s a broader audience reach for you. So that’s an opportunity for you to generate More revenue. And then also providing as much value as possible. But you’ve also got to showcase your expertise. Right? So people were like, hey. You want people to come in, you’re promoting, and you’re marketing it.
Karrington Warfield [00:10:02]:
But one of another strategy is you’ve got to people have got to see what it is that you do. Mhmm. They’ve got to see where you’ve done planned events in the past or, you know, you’ve done an event for someone else or you know what you’re talking about. You’re creating reels and things of that Nature, so those are all great strategies that are gonna help you generate more revenue.
Jennie Wright [00:10:22]:
Karrington Warfield [00:10:22]:
Just like I said, the in person and the the online, That’s another generate you know, in revenue generator in of itself. So that’s a double whammy for you.
Jennie Wright [00:10:32]:
I think so. I think so. And what I what I I feel like I I feel like I started this inner like, this episode off a little backwards, and I kinda wanna Not, you know, put it into rewind, but I almost wanna, like Mhmm. Pause for a second and think about because you said something that triggered Sort of a thought in me, which is the sole like, the whole planning thing. So when we plan events, the most important part for me is the planning stage. It’s Right. What makes it all work. Like, if you spend you know, I some of these events that I work on, I spend 6, 7, 8 months planning, And then when they run, they run flawlessly.
Jennie Wright [00:11:08]:
Right? Like, that’s the whole goal.
Karrington Warfield [00:11:09]:
Jennie Wright [00:11:10]:
And it’s, like, 3 days, and it’s, you know, it’s it’s I mean, it’s a ton of stress. It’s a ton of work, but the results can be massive. So let’s talk about, like, the structure that you love that makes really great results for in person. Talk to me about Planning stage, talk to me about, like, what do you think is essential in that planning stage that people do to make a successful event? And then, how do you talk to people about the financials? What do you, like, what do you say is, you know, the best situation for making revenue off of an online event or in person event.
Karrington Warfield [00:11:44]:
Okay. So I’d say the in the planning piece. So let’s talk about that first. So in the planning piece, it’s it’s Extremely important that you know what your goals and objectives are. You’re clear on that, like crystal clear on your goals and objectives. Right? And then the next thing is that you’ve gotta be clearing Your target audience because we’ve got a lot of coaches and entrepreneurs, and that’s my target audience. So that’s why I’m talking about them a lot.
Jennie Wright [00:12:05]:
Karrington Warfield [00:12:05]:
But we’ve got a lot of coaches and entrepreneurs who are Now hosting their own events that aren’t planners per se.
Jennie Wright [00:12:12]:
Karrington Warfield [00:12:12]:
What I what I’m trying to get them to understand is that the planning piece is the most important. Because if you’re clear on your Goals and objectives. You’re clear on your target audience. You’re gonna win. Right? But then you’ve gotta know the value. What is the value you’re going to be adding? And then you’ve gotta figure out a way to engage and interact with them. Right? Not just before the event, but during the event. Remember we talked about experience? For me, that’s that’s a no brainer.
Karrington Warfield [00:12:39]:
So those things are extremely important. I also think that your agenda alignment or your run of show is extremely important. It It matters, like, who’s gonna speak first. It matters when they’re gonna go on. Right? So I went to an event last year And they had a couple of different speakers. So they had somebody that came in and they just kinda wowed the crowd, get everybody engaged. Yeah. And the information kept us engaged throughout.
Karrington Warfield [00:13:03]:
But then they had someone at the end that they were doing sales to, and this is kinda moving to the financial piece. They had someone called the closer. Mhmm. Right. There’s always a fluffer,
Jennie Wright [00:13:12]:
and there’s always a closer.
Karrington Warfield [00:13:14]:
Absolutely. Absolutely. And so he comes in, and he’s, like, very, very well known. People pay 1,000. I’m talking about 1,000 of dollars to get him to come in as a speaker. I think he charges, like, 150 k, if I’m not mistaken.
Jennie Wright [00:13:27]:
Karrington Warfield [00:13:27]:
okay. Comes in and he’s like the closer. Right? So he what I sell to people I I say this to people is that if it’s not your ministry, don’t do it. Right. And let me explain what I mean when I say that. I’m not a salesperson. I’m an event planner. I’m an event strategist.
Karrington Warfield [00:13:46]:
I’m not going to try and close the deal. Now I can close on my own offers, but if I’ve got a conference with over 3 or 400 people or even less than that, I’m gonna bring somebody in that can close the deal for me, that has done sales for years, that knows how to have a conversation, that is confident in that area, And that can close the deal for me. Right? So I think that’s that’s, that’s a given. And then if we go into the financial piece, you’re wanting to know let me Let me just reconfirm. You’re wanting to know how you can make money at your events? Yeah. Is that what you’re asking?
Jennie Wright [00:14:20]:
Absolutely. Because there’s a lot of people who wanna host an online, like an in person event. They wanna have the conference. Right? They wanna get on the stage and do the thing. I’m actually speaking at 1. It’s a smaller one. You know, I’m speaking in January or whatever, but The the thing is is that a lot of people don’t have the right financial plan afterwards. Right? So is it a $10,000 Is it a $35,000 mastermind? Is it you know, how are we getting a good ROI? Because events cost money to put on.
Karrington Warfield [00:14:51]:
Jennie Wright [00:14:51]:
So in your, you know, in your strategist brain, what are you telling clients to make sure that they’re actually gonna get an ROI?
Karrington Warfield [00:14:59]:
Well, for 1, you have to know the room. Uh-huh. So depending on who your target audience is, you’ve got to know what people are going to purchase. Right? So if you’ve got high ticket clients in there, you don’t wanna offer make an offer for $300. I mean, I’m just saying.
Jennie Wright [00:15:16]:
Yeah. That’s not a high ticket. Right? I love doing Goldilocks. I love doing a Goldilocks Mhmm. Thing. Right? So I’ll have, like, I’ll have, you know, this style of of of offer for these people. I’ll make, like, a special offer for the people who are sitting online. Right? And then, you know, the people in the room, like, obviously, you don’t wanna have too many offers, obviously, because then people don’t make a decision, but not everybody can do the the the 10 k down, You know, $35,000 mastermind stuff.
Jennie Wright [00:15:43]:
But reading the room, like, yeah, you’re a 100%. Read the room.
Karrington Warfield [00:15:48]:
I absolutely agree with that. So what I usually do is I usually offer make 2 offers. Okay. And that’s just me. And again, it may change over time right now. I’m only doing 2 offers. Okay. One of them, I usually add a bonus to that.
Karrington Warfield [00:16:01]:
If you sign up right away, you always want people to think like, FOMO, fear of missing out. Right? Yeah.
Jennie Wright [00:16:07]:
Don’t leave a room with that.
Karrington Warfield [00:16:08]:
Sign up now. Yeah. Exactly. If you sign up today and you pay in full, you know, full price, you get These things but in in addition to that, I’m offering a bunch of other things, right, that are full of value. And they always wanna show What the value what the real value is because you’re actually making that offer for less than what it really costs.
Jennie Wright [00:16:28]:
Karrington Warfield [00:16:28]:
Right? And then I also have another offer where It may not include the bonus. It’s a lot cheaper, but then financing is also good. So I have something where you can make payments, But then I also have in my platform, my finance platform, I have options to where you can finance. So you always wanna make Sure that even if you have a room where it’s just high ticket or if you have a room where it’s a mix of high ticket, maybe, you know, low ticket, whatever, You wanna make sure that you’ve done your planning and your strategy your strategizing around your target audience who’s in there and then your offers and making sure that you’re clear on your offers. Mhmm. I think that, selling books are really good. If you have a book, you’re an author, those things are really good. So anything that you have, any services you Provide your offers are really great, ebooks, any type of tangible products.
Karrington Warfield [00:17:18]:
Sometimes people if you have a product That you’re selling. Sometimes people are speakers and things of that nature, and they sell t shirts. So anything that you are offering, whether it’s an offer or it’s a book, Those are all ways to generate revenue at your event. I love it. And you should be I’m big on, when you’re in an event, I’m big on my brand. Right? So I don’t know about you, but I like to wear my brand.
Jennie Wright [00:17:43]:
Oh, heck yeah. Like hoodie, jersey, t shirt, whatever. Absolutely.
Karrington Warfield [00:17:47]:
Absolutely. Absolutely. Dress a t shirt up. Right?
Jennie Wright [00:17:50]:
Mhmm. So Jean jacket, nice, you know yeah. Absolutely. You can you can dress that up for sure. I went to an event, and I wanna get your your thoughts. I went to an event, and it was a 3 day. And they had basically, like, kiosks outside of the main area, And they had vendors. And this was a this was an event for coaches and course creators and all that kind of stuff.
Jennie Wright [00:18:13]:
So the vendors weren’t, like, selling a tangible thing. They were selling a service. And you had to pay $1,000 to get one of these, quote, unquote, booths, which is basically like a, you know, flip up table with a table cloth. But Okay. What do you think about having a sort of, like, I don’t know, almost like a bunch of kiosks outside of the main room? Is it worth it to sell that kind of stuff? Like, are you seeing that still work? This event that I’m talking about was a while ago. I haven’t really seen it lately, but I’m wondering Where where is it too much and we’re not actually make my like, making any money off this stuff? Where has it become not worth it?
Karrington Warfield [00:18:54]:
Too much. Yeah. I think that if it’s an event for you, for yourself, you’re hosting your own event or for your company, your organization, And you guys are looking to generate revenue at the event? Listen. 1st and foremost, let me be clear. It’s not always about money. I want to provide value To my twenties. That’s the first and foremost for me. But in addition to that, I do have a business.
Karrington Warfield [00:19:15]:
So I have to remember that this is a business. This isn’t a hobby. Right? No. This is my lifestyle. Right? So I think that it’s important that you If it’s for you and you’re hosting your own event, you’ve gotta be careful because if you’ve got other people out there that are selling Something that, you know, that you don’t have a part of that you’re partnering with them, but it’s not your product or your service. It’s probably gonna take away from your event. So I think there are times when you do trade shows and things of that nature. A trade show is great for that.
Karrington Warfield [00:19:50]:
Right? Trade shows, networking events. But if it’s my sales event, I’m not gonna have a bunch of other people there. I’m trying to sell my own stuff. I’m trying to sell I know my things are valuable, so I’m selling my book. I’m selling my t shirts. I’m selling my offers. So when you have too many other people, it can take away from what you’re trying to do as the host.
Jennie Wright [00:20:12]:
So what do you see?
Karrington Warfield [00:20:12]:
Or your product or service?
Jennie Wright [00:20:14]:
Totally. When you’re talking to a client, what are you seeing not working? Like, what is what are you telling a client like no, no, no, no, no, don’t do that. Because it doesn’t work anymore. Or, like, what are the things that people bring up? And you’re like, Oh, hell no, no, we can’t do that. I’d love to I’d love to sort of hear those. That’s one
Karrington Warfield [00:20:30]:
of the things is that people want to because I sometimes feel like people aren’t that, comfortable with being on stage or talking in front of people. But as an entrepreneur, you’ve gotta get there, especially if you’re providing a service. I think that within time it comes, you start to get a little bit more comfortable with it.
Jennie Wright [00:20:46]:
Mhmm. But a
Karrington Warfield [00:20:46]:
lot of times people don’t feel comfortable with selling their own Products or offers and things of that nature. So they wanna bring other people in. I’m all for it as I’ve done it in the past. We talked about the closer. We talked about the opener and the closer. Mhmm. But you just have to be careful about that. So I’ve had people ask about that.
Karrington Warfield [00:21:05]:
I’ve had people, wanna bring other people in and sell, like, Their own books and their own products, not theirs, whoever the host is, their things, but someone else’s. So I think I I tell people to stay away from that. Also, So sometimes when they wanna do have too many speakers at the event, those are things that’s like, no. No. Because that can take away from the whole value. I know there there’s a ton of great speakers out here, but you’ve gotta understand How to do the road the run of show and how to, how your agenda should align with your goals and objectives and your target audience. Right? So those are things like Too many speakers, you know, too many people coming in, selling things or even bringing people into a specific Event. I think that you’ve gotta know the type of event that you’re wanting to do.
Karrington Warfield [00:21:55]:
You’ve gotta understand that type of event and then your goal and objective in that. The goal and objective always has to be at top of mind. Because if you get away from that, then you get away from, Having hosting a really good or executing a really good event.
Jennie Wright [00:22:11]:
Totally. Those are really I mean, those are those are really good points that I would bring up to somebody. Like, There’s a point where having too many speakers, and this is the same for online events. It becomes like a almost like a lost leader. Like, it actually starts to detract. You know what I mean? Because then they lose money. Totally. Because then then the experience goes from being, like, oh, wow, this was really, really Fun and everything to, like, the one you were talking about from 8 till 6.
Jennie Wright [00:22:37]:
I’d be going nuts. I’d be like, get me into the hotel pool Or I need, you know, I need a cocktail, something that would drive me insane.
Karrington Warfield [00:22:46]:
It was let me say this. The event was amazing. Yeah. But I What I didn’t like was and, this was something I think this I I think I did a reel after, like, a couple of weeks after the event. But They had too many, and the speakers were, like, very, very well known speakers.
Jennie Wright [00:23:03]:
Karrington Warfield [00:23:04]:
And these people are not cheap. Okay? Not cheap at all. I’m talking about, like, Grant Cardone. I don’t know if you’re you’re familiar with him. Myron Bolden. Do you know him?
Jennie Wright [00:23:16]:
Oh, yeah. These are, like, a100 type
Karrington Warfield [00:23:18]:
of people.
Jennie Wright [00:23:18]:
Yeah. A 100, $200,000 speakers. Yeah.
Karrington Warfield [00:23:21]:
Exactly. And so these are the type of speakers that were at the that and from what I understand is that they didn’t really make any money. I think that that the price was great. Mhmm. The VIP, Although and that’s also another way to make money too is to help, is to provide VIP. Right? It’s Gotta be a little different than what the general admission, but that’s another way. Sorry. I forgot about that.
Karrington Warfield [00:23:46]:
Jennie Wright [00:23:46]:
Karrington Warfield [00:23:47]:
When you have too many people at the Then it takes away from it, and then it ends up being too long. And what happened was, at one point, one part of the day, like, it was, like, 3 o’clock, and we hadn’t even broke for lunch yet. And you can’t do that. You have people that may have, like, diabetic or have, like, You know? I just have hangry. Preexisting conditions.
Jennie Wright [00:24:08]:
Yeah. Mine’s called hangry. It’s it’s not a preexisting condition. It’s just I get hungry.
Karrington Warfield [00:24:13]:
Exactly. Exactly. And so you just you have to I think that’s where the difference in the planner versus strategist is. Right? Because those are things that someone who is just focused on the logistics
Jennie Wright [00:24:28]:
Karrington Warfield [00:24:29]:
It doesn’t catch versus what the event strategist is going to catch because the event strategist is going to be actually looking at your agenda
Jennie Wright [00:24:37]:
Karrington Warfield [00:24:38]:
And honestly doing an audit on your agenda Same. This is too heavy. Right? You don’t need all of this in the beginning. Right? The 1st 4 hours, you just wanna get somebody to come in and open. You wanna provide some value after lunch. You go to lunch. Maybe we do some breakout sessions after lunch. Come back and do a maybe a the last hour session and go home.
Karrington Warfield [00:24:57]:
Jennie Wright [00:24:58]:
And that last hour better be fun.
Karrington Warfield [00:24:59]:
The difference between this exactly. Right? You gotta make it to where people are still engaged, and they wanna come back the next day if it’s something that’s More than one day.
Jennie Wright [00:25:08]:
Absolutely. Because after lunch, I want a nap. Most people want are sleepy after lunch. Right? So
Karrington Warfield [00:25:13]:
Jennie Wright [00:25:13]:
You’ve you’ve got and and funny, the event that, the event that I’m speaking at coming up, I am the last person before lunch.
Karrington Warfield [00:25:23]:
Right? We.
Jennie Wright [00:25:24]:
Yeah. So I’m crafting my whole presentation over the fact that I’m the last person before lunch. Like, hey, I get it. You’re hungry. Like, It’s coming. It’ll be your senior. Right? Yep. And you’re hungry, you’re tired.
Jennie Wright [00:25:35]:
So I’m gonna, like, try and engage them and stuff like that. I’m gonna try and make some jokes. Because I’d be like, you know, I was actually thinking of like coming on stage, maybe, you know, you’re eating something and going, oh, you Oh, you guys haven’t eaten yet. Oh, I’m so Alright. Oh, okay.
Karrington Warfield [00:25:47]:
That’s great. They’re gonna be like, really? But that’s good because you’re engaging them because you’re starting to get tired. And some people like me, I’m like, you you mentioned hangry. I get hangry.
Jennie Wright [00:25:57]:
Me too.
Karrington Warfield [00:25:58]:
But what I started doing was this is a great idea for those of you who go to To conferences and things, bring snacks. I bring, like, grapes. Mhmm. I bring cherries. I bring trail mix, Mhmm. Nuts, things of that nature. Because a lot of times, those things kinda help you keep your energy up. Like Absolutely.
Karrington Warfield [00:26:15]:
Nuts and things of it, fruit, stuff like that will help you keep your Energy up, especially if they kinda go too
Jennie Wright [00:26:20]:
long and
Karrington Warfield [00:26:20]:
then you don’t eat lunch. But like I said, that hadn’t happened before just that one day. But I was like, you can’t do that. You can’t go until 3 o’clock and not break for No. We have people who are diabetic or have preexisting conditions that have to eat at certain times. So or eat, you know, periodically throughout the day. So you don’t want and you don’t want anybody get sick.
Jennie Wright [00:26:39]:
So Snacks are good, except if they’re wrapped in some sort of cellophane noise producing. Right? Right. I went to a conference in Florida back, like, ages ago, 2016, and the person in front of us was sitting with her boyfriend, and she had her backpack. And she was in her backpack and she’s rooting through her backpack, and I’m listening to the speaker and she’s rooting, and then she’s opening the zippers and clothing, you know, clothing zippers. And then came the cellophane. Like, it was it I think it was protein bars or something, and she’s ripping oh, no. It was like Lee Valley not Lee Valley. What is it? Valley, like those green bars?
Karrington Warfield [00:27:11]:
Nature Valley. Nature Valley.
Jennie Wright [00:27:12]:
So she’s ripping open Nature Valley, you know, bars and you’re hearing the rip. Right? And and then it was Oh, the person I was with, we were looking at each other going, I am going to jump the table in a minute, like, shut up. Right? Oh, couldn’t hear the speaker at all, and other people were looking around. It was just yeah. Not a good thing.
Karrington Warfield [00:27:31]:
Here’s the secret. Take your snacks and put them in little plastic bags, like the little, ziplocks. Either like the recyclable bags or ziplock bags.
Jennie Wright [00:27:41]:
Karrington Warfield [00:27:41]:
Ziplocs are super easy. They’re not all loud like the cellophane wrappers. That’s what I do. I just pour my trail mix in there and then they have the little minis.
Jennie Wright [00:27:49]:
Karrington Warfield [00:27:50]:
Little mini it what bag? It has
Jennie Wright [00:27:51]:
little snacks size.
Karrington Warfield [00:27:52]:
Your snacks in there, you can just open it real quick and just Mhmm. Snack and keep it moving.
Jennie Wright [00:27:57]:
Absolutely. Quiet water bottles. Like Right. Quiet snacks. So yeah. Exactly. Right? So for those on video, she’s up and she’s showing us her water bottle. So, yeah, I love that.
Jennie Wright [00:28:10]:
And I think I think creating the experience, and I wanna talk to you about the experience that we can create. Right? So there’s gotta be things that we can do that keep it interesting. Everybody knows there’s gonna be a keynote. Everybody knows there’s gonna be, like, a couple of talks. Everybody knows there might be breakout sessions. What cool things can you insert that people find interesting or fun or different and work? Because sometimes they fall flat. Okay? Like, you know, a trust fall is not gonna work anymore. So what can we do? Again, I went to a conference in, Was it 20 2013? And they did a freaking trust fall.
Jennie Wright [00:28:47]:
I was like, I stood there with my arms crossed going, I’m not doing this. So, What what can we do that makes it more fun? Because that kind of seared my brain. Go ahead.
Karrington Warfield [00:28:57]:
Oh my god. The trust ball, I’m I’m looking at that because we’ve done that in the past Some years ago. Cool. And I was like, I don’t even see that anymore. But I think that one of the things I think is really good and it is not not just a value to you, But also to your attendees is networking sessions are great. Same. Because when you’re in these events all day, you don’t get an opportunity unless it’s like lunch break or A 15 minute, you know, restroom break or whatever, you don’t get a lot of time to talk and network with other people. And I can’t tell you how many events I’ve been to where I’ve networked with people and I’ve gotten worked with people, like, I was able to provide a service to them.
Karrington Warfield [00:29:33]:
They were able to provide a service to me, But you don’t know when you don’t get an opportunity to talk to people. So I think networking sessions are great. Yeah. I think that doing something VIP.
Jennie Wright [00:29:43]:
Karrington Warfield [00:29:44]:
Right? Offering that VIP is really good because it kinda sets people apart and people will always feel like people start talking about, like, hey, we did this in VIP. You You know, yesterday, the VIP came in a day early, and we did this and we did that. I think those are great things to incorporate because people feel like they they were left out.
Jennie Wright [00:30:02]:
I like the VIPs The
Karrington Warfield [00:30:03]:
next time you have an event.
Jennie Wright [00:30:05]:
I was gonna say I like the VIPs showing something physically that they’re VIPs. Because then you create more like like, then you have a bit of the FOMO. So you have, like, either one of those badges. Some VIPs, like, give them a t shirt and have them out, like, whatever. But something to make them stand out. So people like, oh, you’re a VIP. Damn.
Karrington Warfield [00:30:24]:
They feel like they left out. Mhmm. Right. So we went to an event last year and I because he was my mentor
Jennie Wright [00:30:31]:
Karrington Warfield [00:30:31]:
I didn’t we didn’t have to pay. He was like, My mentees, you guys don’t have to pay. And we didn’t realize that when we got to the event that we were VIPs. So we got to sit at tables. They set tables up For the VIPs, we got different lanyards. We got journals. We got cups and a couple of other things. And my sister was there At the event, and she was like, I’m just gonna go back here with the with the pill the rest of the pilgrims.
Jennie Wright [00:30:58]:
Yep. Just back here. Yep. Sit in my chair.
Karrington Warfield [00:31:00]:
Right. Just back here. Right? It was so funny because she was just like, yeah. Nice. She’s like, we just got a chair, but it It’s nice because we sat at a table. It was easy to take notes. We got our journal. We got a pen.
Karrington Warfield [00:31:12]:
We got a cup, a t shirt. So those are great things because people feel like they They were like, oh, and that you know, man, next time, I’m gonna sign up for VIP. That’s another way to create an experience. So the VIP experience, the networking sessions. I think games or engagement is really good. I actually like, for me, I really like Panel discussions.
Jennie Wright [00:31:35]:
Karrington Warfield [00:31:36]:
I think panel discussions are good because you get a different perspective From, you know, the subject matter experts on the panel. Right? So I love, panel discussions. I think those are great. So those are just different experiences. Breakout sessions are great as well, But I think that you’ve gotta kinda switch it up a little bit with your breakout sessions. I do like breakout sessions because they’re more intimate. And sometimes you have people, like, if this is a huge conference, people don’t always feel comfortable with getting up asking a question in front of a 1000 people. Right? But your breakout sessions, especially if you have a lot of them, it’s a lot more a lot less people in there, a little bit more intimate.
Karrington Warfield [00:32:13]:
So sometimes people feel a little bit more comfortable. And that might be an experience for some people in of its own, but I think that you sometimes have to think outside of the box for the, breakout sessions too. I think that the Content in the breakout sessions can be an experience as well.
Jennie Wright [00:32:29]:
Yes. Absolutely. Absolutely. I was at an event recently, and they had a health coach come in.
Karrington Warfield [00:32:38]:
Jennie Wright [00:32:39]:
And this person ran, a whole, like, stretching exercise thing right before lunch. It was the last thing before lunch. So we all did, like, stretching and, you know, we were and and, breathing exercises and everything that you could do, like, at your chair whatever. And that was really, really good because you kinda, like, you know, got to roll your shoulders and and move around a bit because you’ve been sitting in a chair for, you know, 3 hours
Karrington Warfield [00:33:02]:
Half the day.
Jennie Wright [00:33:03]:
Yeah. Quietly. And, and then, you know, you’re in there and you’re like, when is lunch? When’s lunch gonna I sound obsessive about food. I’m really not. But it like, the timing the timing of anything is just so key. And and the other thing is going so late, those I I find that is absolutely horrible. With online events, because I do a lot of those, which is why I so wanted to talk to you today. With the online events, I think that people overpack them with Me too.
Jennie Wright [00:33:32]:
With, not only just the speakers, but what we call so 2 years ago, I created in online events, I created this thing called live experiences. And I launched it first in my own summit, and then I launched it for clients. And live experiences was a way to create engagement so that people were just listening to a prerecorded interview And then not showing up. Like, they were just signing up for the summit, not participating. We never saw them in the Facebook group. You never connected with anybody. So I created live Experiences that included networking. And then, you know, if you had an event where somebody could come in and do, like, an example, like, a yoga session or Come in and do some sort of, like, I don’t know, some like, I had a I had a client that did a a financial thing where they came in and they actually worked through what How you could get your, like, seed round financing, like how to write your proposal, which was which was cool.
Jennie Wright [00:34:24]:
Right? So these different kinds of of Experiences. But the problem was I had 1 client that was like gung ho. And they put in something like 18 or 20 Live experiences in a 4 day event. And I we’re still in the planning stage, and I get on a call with the team because I I, you know, project manage with their teams. Get on a call with the team. It’s me and 6 individuals. And this person is like, yeah. I’ve got, like, 19 live experiences.
Jennie Wright [00:34:49]:
And I’m like, no. You have 19 dead weights. None of this is gonna work. Like, nobody’s gonna show up for 19 live experiences. No. And you’re gonna have, like, 2 or 3 people in each one, and then what’s gonna happen And as your speakers are gonna feel like crap because they’re spending an hour of their time and nobody’s there.
Karrington Warfield [00:35:09]:
Yep. And nobody’s there or those that are there are not gonna be engaged At all.
Jennie Wright [00:35:14]:
Heck no. So they went so so they said no. No. No. No. It’s gonna work. It’s gonna work. My I have a really engaged audience.
Jennie Wright [00:35:21]:
You don’t know. And I’m like, okay. I do know. And when this does not go well, I’ve told you, Leslie, but I will support you through this because that’s my job. And lo and behold, we had, you know, a good show up for the 1st 2 or 3. We had a couple for the next day, you know, whatever, But then it went flat. Like, you had either 1 or 2 people or no people show up in these live events. It was it was absolutely horrible for the host, because they got super frustrated and they felt really embarrassed that these people were putting in time, effort, money, not even money money, but, like, time and effort to do these live experiences, Nobody was showing up.
Jennie Wright [00:36:01]:
So there’s there’s a balance. There’s a balance. There’s a balance that you need to create. You know this. I know this. And that’s that’s where a strategist over just a planner Yes. Is going to be essential for creating a really successful online event.
Karrington Warfield [00:36:20]:
Absolutely. And I think that we get we sometimes, because we’re not Planners. Right? Those of us that are hosting awareness events, our coaches and entrepreneurs, because we’re not planners, we’re just thinking about the logistics. And what I tell people is that that’s too now don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying that the logistics is easy because it’s not. Right? Yeah. You know, book in the space and Indicators and decor and all that good stuff, that’s all, it can be it can be complex.
Jennie Wright [00:36:47]:
Karrington Warfield [00:36:47]:
But what You make it harder when you don’t plan out your event or when you don’t strategize. I’ll say that. I call it the plan before the planning Is what I like to call it. The plan before the planning. So when you don’t strategize and you don’t have a strategy and you don’t know your audience and You’re not familiar with your target audience and you don’t know what your goals and objectives are. What do you want your audience to leave with? You’ve gotta be 100% clear on that. Crystal clear. You know, what is your why are you doing this?
Jennie Wright [00:37:15]:
Karrington Warfield [00:37:16]:
Okay. If it’s a sales event, okay, you wanna make money. But in the process of wanting to make rent money and generate revenue, You’ve got to be providing value. Like, on top of what you’ve already told them they’re gonna get, you wanna go above and beyond is what I try to get people to understand. Always bring it. Okay? I’m talking about you’re giving what you’re saying you’re going to give even more. Yep. Right? Always pack even more if you’re the the speaker.
Karrington Warfield [00:37:43]:
You know, you’re you’re gonna talk about what you and the host, you know, what you wanna talk about or what the host would like for you to to convey to the audience, but you still wanna give even extra, Mhmm. You know? So you want people to leave thinking, like, man, I can’t wait to get back till, you know, tomorrow or I can’t wait until she has or he has another event. So I I think that If we can just get people to understand the importance of the planning piece first, the logistics are gonna fall in place like you just said. When you spend all those months, 4, 5, 6 months on planning, then now your event’s gonna go seamless. And what I try to get on people to understand too is that when you plan, it gives you more time to be creative.
Jennie Wright [00:38:26]:
Karrington Warfield [00:38:28]:
You get no bang for your buck. Right? You can probably get, like, the a better price on the venue. Totally. You know, I tell people to think about off peak versus peak season. You know? Mhmm. Why would you wanna plan something during, like, wedding season Or graduation season or they’re gonna kill you on the price. Yeah. You’re gonna you’re
Jennie Wright [00:38:51]:
yeah. You’re you’re gonna pay double for that room, at least.
Karrington Warfield [00:38:54]:
Double for the room. Right?
Jennie Wright [00:38:56]:
At least.
Karrington Warfield [00:38:56]:
But when you have time to plan, yeah, when you have time to plan, you have time to think about, like, hey. Let me find out when their peak their off peak season is. Let me see what the price is versus peak versus off peak. Let me figure out how I can be a little bit more creative, You know, let me brainstorm some some experiences that I can provide or implement into this event when you plan. So if I can get that’s that’s what I’m that’s where I’m Kind of bridge trying to bridge the gap right now is that that’s the difference between the planner and the strategist.
Jennie Wright [00:39:27]:
Yes. So with
Karrington Warfield [00:39:28]:
me, you get you get both.
Jennie Wright [00:39:32]:
Magic. Yep. So you got both together. I love that. I do a lot of the I do a lot of the planning and the strategy. I love the strategy piece.
Karrington Warfield [00:39:39]:
Jennie Wright [00:39:40]:
And then I I love it. I can live in that. I’ve got I’ve got templates for days. Me too. And and I’m like having conversations. And don’t you just have these conversations with the client and you’re like, oh, wait. Oh, oh, oh, and then you could do this and then, oh, you can do this.
Karrington Warfield [00:39:53]:
Right. You start going down this rabbit hole of things that you can do.
Jennie Wright [00:39:57]:
Oh, yep. It’s so much fun. It’s so much fun. And then you’re like, oh, crap. Now I’ve gotta execute on that. How are we going to make that happen? Right? But then you look like the superstar because you’ve done something completely different or super cool. Right? I love the idea. Like, you were like a drone.
Jennie Wright [00:40:13]:
I’m like, oh, my gosh. Right? How would you do that?
Karrington Warfield [00:40:16]:
Jennie Wright [00:40:17]:
Why would you do that? How would it look? But it’s cool footage.
Karrington Warfield [00:40:21]:
I’ve seen it though, mainly at, like, Concerts and things of that nature. Like, when somebody host a concert or
Jennie Wright [00:40:27]:
Karrington Warfield [00:40:27]:
That type of event, it’s good for that because anybody that’s online, you’ve got your hybrid.
Jennie Wright [00:40:32]:
Karrington Warfield [00:40:33]:
They’re gonna get a really good experience. It’s almost like they’re there because the drone can kinda zoom in on the artist and on the crowd, and then they get an aerial view, and then they kinda get down on the ground. Mhmm. You know? So Nice. Why people usually use it for that, to provide that online more of an online experience.
Jennie Wright [00:40:52]:
Because if not, you’ve got you’ve got a static camera at the back of the room, and you’re looking at a person that’s like, yay big, like the size of a of a Lego figure on a stage. Right? And you’re trying to, like, enjoy it. Absolutely. Yeah. That creates a bit more of an immersive experience. Okay. I’ve got 1 more question for you. And then I’m I’m we’re unfortunately, We have to wrap, although, I mean, we could keep going and going and going, and that’s
Karrington Warfield [00:41:14]:
We could.
Jennie Wright [00:41:15]:
It’s a problem of talking to somebody that you share so much with. So What do you what kind of size of a conference do you love to strategize and plan? Do you like the minis? Do you like the mids? Do you like the big, massive? Or what do you love?
Karrington Warfield [00:41:30]:
I would say the mini in the mids or, mini in mid would be my preference. If I had my preference right, they would be only because it is a lot and you’ve gotta manage a lot of People, it’s not just you can’t do it yourself when you’re doing a huge conference of, like, thousands of people. You’ve gotta have a team. You gotta have a team of, you know, your Your, event decor. You’ve got a team of, you know, your food. You’ve got your AV, all of those things. And so You’ve not you’re not only managing the event, you’ve now gotta manage all of these different teams.
Jennie Wright [00:42:07]:
Karrington Warfield [00:42:08]:
And so it just it can be very, very complex. So If I had my preference, I’d say the small and the mini, the the meaties.
Jennie Wright [00:42:16]:
I I like I like the I like the minis and the mids, but I have to tell you, I love Mhmm. I love throwing in 1 gargantuan, multifaceted oh, god. Yeah. The the AGMs that I used to run for Fortune 500 companies back in the day. This is like Mhmm. Pre previous life, it feels like. We the AGMs we had one of the companies had a threat. There was a person that had an active lawsuit against the company, and they were very contentious.
Jennie Wright [00:42:45]:
They were, like, Showing up at the building and making threats and had to be, you know, removed by police and stuff. And so there was a restraining order, but we knew this person was gonna show up. So not only did I have to manage the AGM and all the stuff like the food and the AV and, you know, the mics and all this different kind of stuff, but I also had to handle a security team, both plainclothes and in uniform. So and and I it was my responsibility. So I had you know how you have, like, an earpiece? Mhmm. So I had my I had my earpiece for my event side, and then I hit a security earpiece. And I am like, oh, yeah. And, you know, I was getting updates like, you know, we had guys doing rounds outside.
Jennie Wright [00:43:31]:
We had, you know, like, you know, event perimeters clear, you know, Check at 11:15 event permit, you know, again, they were doing internal checks, like bathroom checks and stuff. And just to make sure that this person would choke because there was There was a threat. Like, they were thinking this person was gonna show up and do some stuff. So I love the minis and the mids, but I also like the technicalities associated with the big events, like, even charity golf tournaments are massive. Oh my
Karrington Warfield [00:43:58]:
gosh. I haven’t done charity, but we did the partnership time at a company I was working with, and it
Jennie Wright [00:44:03]:
So fun.
Karrington Warfield [00:44:03]:
Was a lot of planning. We had a great time.
Jennie Wright [00:44:07]:
Oh, yeah.
Karrington Warfield [00:44:07]:
Once everybody got out on the green, it was Smooth sailing from there. Absolutely. It was just getting everybody checked in and we were, what I liked about it, it was we did a partnership and so we had Some partners that purchased, like, a sign on the whole, you know, they would have, like, 2 or 3 signs with their logos on on the whole. Some people, Sponsored lunches, sponsored Mulligans.
Jennie Wright [00:44:34]:
Yes. It
Karrington Warfield [00:44:34]:
was a whole lot. Absolutely. We had But I loved it. I loved it.
Jennie Wright [00:44:38]:
Me too. We we had, like, BMW sponsored, a hole in once. We had a car. Right? So we had a car on one of the holes. We had, there’s an airline here in Canada called Air Canada. So we had a sponsorship with with Air Canada. So we had it kinda like fly the runway, and we had, like, this whole runway set up where it looked like, an actual runway. It was really, really cool.
Jennie Wright [00:44:58]:
And then, you know, there’s all the the fun stuff. And I know we’re going totally off topic, but it’s a good
Karrington Warfield [00:45:03]:
No. No. I love it. I love it. I know you get you guys have sponsorships for that because that was an expensive event.
Jennie Wright [00:45:11]:
Yeah. Yeah. The last one that we did, the the cost was about $250,000 for to to host the event, but I we were able to get more than that in sponsorships.
Karrington Warfield [00:45:24]:
Nice. I loved it.
Jennie Wright [00:45:25]:
And, and and we used all the the company paid for the event, and the sponsorships went all to charity.
Karrington Warfield [00:45:31]:
Nice. I like it.
Jennie Wright [00:45:33]:
Yeah. So it was really, really good. We were actually able to raise more than that, like over $300,000 or something for this charity, which was awesome.
Karrington Warfield [00:45:40]:
Aw. Great.
Jennie Wright [00:45:41]:
And, that was fabulous. And we had, like, Olympians on we had Olympians in certain teams. Right? So we actually hire
Karrington Warfield [00:45:48]:
serious? Yeah.
Jennie Wright [00:45:48]:
You can hire did you know you can hire an Olympian to be a golfer for your like, for your one of your groupings?
Karrington Warfield [00:45:53]:
No. Yes. That I didn’t know. Well, I got my notepad here.
Jennie Wright [00:45:57]:
Right? We had NHL hockey players as part of groups. So it’s like, hey, if you wanna pay an extra $5, you can play golf with Wendell Clark, who was the captain of the Toronto Maple Leafs here in Toronto. So you can, like, hey, you can play with your favorite NBA basketball star or your favorite whatever. You can do that. You gotta pay the money, obviously.
Karrington Warfield [00:46:17]:
Jennie Wright [00:46:18]:
We can hire people like that. There’s a whole agency out there that does that kind of stuff. We went through and we had, like, multiple people, and people paid extra money to play with their favorite hockey player or Olympian or anything like that. And that was how we got the money. We raised that much money. It was a really cool idea. So, anyways, Having said
Karrington Warfield [00:46:37]:
that so awesome.
Jennie Wright [00:46:38]:
It was so much fun. How can people who were interested in maybe hosting their own in person event Find you and get in touch with you because, I think it would be amazing for them to have that conversation.
Karrington Warfield [00:46:51]:
Yes. So I am on Instagram at Carrington Warr. You can also find me on LinkedIn at Carrington Warfield. And then I’m also on Facebook at Carrington Warfield. My Facebook is probably usually, I still post, like, my event planning and strategy things of that nature, But it’s more like family or high school friends. But my Instagram, I use that the most in LinkedIn. Those are the 2. So you can send me a message on either of those, and then we can kinda talk and maybe schedule a a free consult.
Karrington Warfield [00:47:20]:
I do free consultations on pre you know, on strategy or if you want Like the planning services or if you need both, so I do those, and then I can send you my Calendly, and we can go from there and schedule some time.
Jennie Wright [00:47:35]:
Amazing. Fantastic. Thanks for being so candid and sharing so much about what you do. You know, planner strategist and planner to strategist and planner was great to sort of break things down and have a really sort of open conversation about that. Thanks for being in that spirit of of collaboration versus competition.
Karrington Warfield [00:47:53]:
Thank you, Jenny. This has been awesome. And like I said, I love our conversations. Every time we talk, we just kinda just keep going. I know that conversation with you. I love it because you we do the same thing, sorta. Yeah. So we we just have a lot in common.
Karrington Warfield [00:48:08]:
And so I feel like we have a really good vibes. And I love it. I I thank you so much for allowing me on your platform and to share with your audience.
Jennie Wright [00:48:14]:
Absolutely. It was so much fun, like I said, and like you said, I mean, we could just keep going. So that’s why we’ve had the record button going this whole time because I didn’t wanna miss anything. But, we will wrap. And if you wanna get in touch with Carrington, all of Her touch points are gonna be in the show notes, so you can go and check that out as well. And make sure that you follow her on her social Platforms just like me, I’m on Instagram and LinkedIn as well. It’s where I play the most. And as always, the Achuer podcast is produced and edited by Jason Wheeler.
Jennie Wright [00:48:43]:
And if you found this episode to be of value, please consider, subscribing, leaving a review, getting in touch and letting me know what you think or what you’d love to hear more of. And I really appreciate you being part of my growing community. So if you want to, please do consider joining my Facebook group or following me on my social channels so we can stay in touch. And I love being able to bring you more information about lead gen lead gen, list building, and event planning. Thanks so much. The Acquirer podcast is brought to you by the Odd Phonic Podcast Network, and we’ll see you soon.